The Perks of Falling in love with a Wallflower

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Dear Friend,

Im writing to you because I cant keep all my feelings in. I have kept then in for so long. Im writing to you because I have no where else to go. No one would understand. Im hoping that you could just listen- or like in this case read. I just need to put out all my feelings.

Im a senior. Not like old man senior but in highschool. HA! One last year in that hell whole!? About last year or so, my mom got married. The guy's pretty cool. His daughter is really nice. She got me into some great music. Shes really great. Her name is Sam. She is really caring. She was the first person I told. I dont even know why- We were just listening to music in my room and it just came all out.

I remember it clear as day.... It was the song asleep. I have come to love that song. But anyway- the song came on and I started to cry. She was worried and questioned me. And I felt so emotional and unguarded I told her. Her reaction was not what I was expecting. She laughed at first. She laughed and hugged me. She said I had became her best friend. I cried into her shoulder the rest of the song. She was so nurturing.

She promised me she wouldnt tell anyone. I thanked her and she kissed my cheek and walked out. I will never forget that day- or that girl. She is the first person that I told me deepst secret to.

I'm Gay...



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