Chapter 16

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Unexpected Chapter 16

[Brielle's P.O.V.] *2 Weeks Later*

We had been in California for a week now and it was fun being around the wolves and family. To be honest I got my memory back the day after I lost it I just wanted to stay longer and I wanted to be around Tyler so bad, but nobody knew any of this. I was gonna keep the charade up so I could spend more time withTy. The night that I told Ty I hated him and never wanted to see him again it was a lie. No matter how hard I tried I could'nt stay mad at Tyler and stop loving him. Lately he has been trying to kinda trick me because he thinks I don't remember all the times he has hurt me. Right now he was sitting on my bed trying to help me get my "old memories" back.

"Why did we break up Ty?" I asked. He looked me in the eye and I laughed inside at how stupid he thought I was.

"We never did breakup actually, I just paid for you to go to France for a while and you come back when you are 7 1/2 months pregnant," Tyler told me. Wow, seriously ? I decided to go along with it and keep a smile on my face.

"I'm 7 and a half months now baby! I need to move back now!" I yelled excitedly. He looked nervous then smiled.

"Oh it no need for that now, wait till your memory comes back," I told her.

I was about to answer him, but his doorbell rang. I immediately grabbed ny phone and called some friends of mine on France.

"Hey guys, do you mind bringing me and Allison's things to Cali?" I asked.

"Oh sure thing," Antõn said to me.

I gave him the adress and he said the stuff will be in in 2 days.

Tyler was taking a while so I decided to go downstairs to see what was going on. When I went downstairs I saw him kissing that bitch Jasmine. She still looked pregnant, but she didn't if you get what I'm saying.

"Babe who is this?" I asked Tyler pretending like I was clueless and never seen the kiss.

"His girlfriend and don't fucking call him babe hoe!" Jassy screamed at me.

I wanted to lash out on that tramp,but I couldn't risk blowing my cover or losing my baby.

"But Ty I thought you-" He cut me off by talking over me.

"Calm down Jass she lost her memory and only remember bits of our relationship and thinks we're together," Tyler said.

"Well let me jog that shit right now!" Jass yelled while turning to me. She started telling every wrong that happend within our relationship. After she was done I smiled. I was gonna kill her with kindness.

"Oh how delightful, you're pregnant too?" I asked. She smiled deviously thinking that the next thing she said would hurt me.

"Yess 7 months by my baby Tyler," she said while kissing him on the mouth.

"Baby we haven't had sex since you got pregnant, let's go upstairs," Tyler told her. I looked down to see that he was hard. Eww. I pretended to not care and instead continue my kind streak. Jass stopped kissing him and looked nervous.

"N-no thanks," she stuttered.

"Hey do you mind if I feel I ask?" I didn't give her a chance to answer, I just ran jp and rubbed. I moved my hand away quickly and looked at her weirldly. Her stomach didn't feel like mine. It was mushy and soft as if she had on a pregnancy suit. Tyler probably didn't know since he never felt a real pregnant belly. She knew that I knew and gave me a death glare.

[Jasmine's P.O.V.]

Dammit this bitch knows my secret. She better not tell. Tyler DID get me pregnant, but I aborted that bastard A.S.A.P. After aborting the baby I realized what mistake I had made. I could've used that baby for Ty's money and he would be with me. So I "accidently" ran into him at the coffee shop and my plan was in action at that point. I bought a pregnancy suit, got fake ultra sound pics, I had a pregnant friend of mine pee on the test I showed Tyler when he wanted proof, and made myself puke every morning. I would go to fake appointments and make up accuses as to why Ty couldn't go. I had my shit figured out and i'd be damned if I let this bitch ruin it.

[Ally's P.O.V.]

I was with my babu daddy once again. After a few days with Ty I found out he knew him and went and stayed with him. He was the sweetest, but his mother hated me. She always says that I trapped her baby boy and ruined his life. I was thinking about moving here with him and raising our baby, but his mom was gonna be staying with us until she found a new house because her house burned down. Right now my baby and I were laying down watching tv.

"Baby I've been thinking and I think I wanna move in to raise the baby together ya know," I told him. He smiled from ear to ear and started kissing me all over.

"Sure thing baby girl, I thought you'd never ask!" He said while jumping up and down. I laughed at him.

"As a matter of fact Tyler and I worked together and got the nursuries set up just in case you and Bri wanted to stay, Bri stays with Ty though," he said. He got up and led me out to a room that I never have been it. When I got inside I was shocked at him and so happy.

"Baby you are so creative, it's so beautiful!" I yelled.

"All we have to do now is tell my mother ," he said. I really didn't have time for another fight. I called a friend of mine from France and asked him to send our stuff down. To my suprise he said Bri already called. I wondered what that was about. Whatever I'll ask later.

[Ally's Boo P.O.V] *Later that night*

We were all sitting around the table eating a dinner that Ally made. Damn that girl could cook up a meal. I looked over at her and smiled .

"Should we tell her?" I whispered. Ally sighed then nodded.

"Mom Ally is moving in soon," I said.

"Why?" My mom asked rudely. I looked over at Ally and she looked sad.

"Because I love her and I wanna raise my baby girl in a two parent household," I told her. She looked at Ally and gave her a cold hard stare.

"Son she is a whore, how do you know it's even your baby? I don't want you with someone like her, eww! Why couldn't you just stay with Nancy or Mallory they are so much better. Didn't you guys like have sex or something when Mallory came to visit? Why are you not with her. You trade in a goddess for a goblin?" My mom went on and on about Ally's imperfections and about the times a few of my exes came to visit her. I never did anything with them, but my mother made it seem like it so that Ally would get upset. I looked over at Ally and she was in tears. When she saw me looking at her she got up and ran away. My mother was still ranting until I got sick of it and cut her off.


"Thebe Neruda don't you ever raise your voice at me like that again, I am your mother !" She screamed at that point I didn't care cause she upset my baby.

"FUCK YOU MA!" I yelled and went upstairs to check on Ally.

*Feedback Pwease, Chapter 17 will be up after school !* :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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