I knew them//Chp1????

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(Mariella's pov)
"Mars!" My mother yelled repeatedly.

"Let me sleep!" I groaned, rolling over and stuffing my face into the pillow and letting out a sigh.

My mom entered the room with a beaming smile and set a plate of pancakes down on the bed.

"Cmon, chop chop you have to get ready for school"

She left and I leaned up stuff my mouth full of pancakes.

"So.fucking.good" I said to myself in between bites.

I ate quickly and hopped in the shower so I'd have time to blow dry my hair and as usual I had way more time than expected.

I dried my hair and slipped on some black ripped jeans with a white tank top which was cropped and then a red and black unbuttoned flannel on top.

*Incoming FaceTime From Bestfriend👭*

I looked down and accepted Brooke's FaceTime call and her face suddenly popped onto the screen.

"Mornin' B" I said whilst applying some eyeliner.

"Morning, how long you gonna be? I don't know how long I can last being alone in a house this asstwat" she asked and whacked her twin brother Brandon on the back of the head causing me to chuckle.

"Give me 10?"

She nodded. I blew a kiss and ended the call and grabbed my books so I could put them in my bag as I went downstairs.

"First day of school huh? Have a good day kiddo" my dad said smiling from the kitchen table.

I returned the smile and walked out the door and into the car so I could go and pick up Brandon and Brooke.

I pulled up and honked and they both Come stumbling out lightly shoving each other and laughing. They have a love, hate relationship.

"Get In bitches" I chuckled.

Brooke got into the passenger seat and Brandon climbed into the back.

"Morning to you too Mars" Brandon said slipping his phone in his pocket as I pulled into the school.

"Well sorry you barely ever talk to me" I replied looking back to him with a smile and he returned it.

I pulled in my normal parking spot and Brandon instantly hopped out and ran to catch up to his friends.

Me and Brooke rolled our eyes and walked in. Everybody was just crowding around phones and girls were blushing, squealing doing all the things they'd do if their crush noticed them. Weird.

Me and Brooke looked around and giggled. Brooke took her phone out and said, "I think I now what they are all talking about"

I nod my head as she carries on looking through her phone until she pulls up an Instagram account.

"They are called the Dolan twins, smoking hot" she told me blushing looking down at the phone.

"Ethan and Grayson" I mumbled whilst examining the photo.

"You know them?" She asked.

"Yeah.. I knew them" I replied simply and shutting my locker.

"O-M-G how do you know them?!" She squealed.

"Knew" I corrected,"we used to be best friends before they left New Jersey 3 years ago"

—Flash back—

I was sat on my couch doing my homework when the doorbell rang. I jumped up and ran to the door knowing it could only possibly be my best friends or parents. I opened the door smiling and there stood Ethan and Grayson with their hands in the joggers and red puffy eyes. My smile instantly dropped into a sad expression mixed with a confused one.

"Umm.. we n-need to t-talk" Grayson muttered.

I stepped aside letting them in and I closed the door behind them. They went and sat on the couch and I followed and sat in between them.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked worriedly,"it looks like you guys have been crying"

Ethan's head dropped down to the floor but I used my finger to tilt it back up and searched for eye contact.

"What's wrong E?" I asked and he finally made eye contact with tears building up in his eyes.

I looked back at Grayson who already had tears slipping down his cheek and it caused my heart to start beating faster.

"O-our dad" Ethan chocked on his tears.

"What about him?" I asked.

"He's got c-cancer" he stuttered.

My heart aches for them.

I pulled Ethan in for a hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

I finally pulled away and then engulfed Grayson in a hug aswell.

"I'm so sorry guys nobody deserves this" I mumbled.

"There's also another thing" Grayson stated. I looked up to him and he nodded towards Ethan. I turned to face Ethan and I could tell it was hard for him to be even talking about this.

"We umm.. we are moving to LA" he whispered under his breath regretting saying it.

"W-what?" I choked out as a tear slipped from my eye.

"It's for our dad" Grayson added, "who knows when he could die.. he said he always wanted to live in LA so we are moving there so he'll be happy before he passes away.."

I started to cry even more and both of twins hugged me tight as we all cried together. We had never been separated for more than 3 days now I may never see them again.

Soon enough the day came, it was their flight to LA today. I watched as the moving van drove away and the twins came out of their house carrying bags with a weak smile plastered across their faces.

Ethan caught a glance at me stood in the door crying. He dropped his bags and ran to me and picked me up in a hug.

"Please don't go" I whispered in his ear as he placed me back down.

He cupped my face and whipped away my tears with his thumb.

"I'll be back, I promise"he smiled.

"I love you remember that" he added which caused me to smile as well.

"I love you too" i pulled him into a hug again.

"Always and forever"


Oof this was a bit emotional.

SORRY IF I GAVE YOU THE FEELS AHHHH I just wanted ya'll to know a bit of the back story yano? ;)

SORRY IF I GAVE YOU THE FEELS AHHHH I just wanted ya'll to know a bit of the back story yano? ;)

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