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(Mariella's pov)
10:04pm, Clout House, Los Angeles.

My feet come to a stop and a rush of hurt flushed through my body. We had all fell silent and I had blocked the music out from my ears.

I don't turn around and say, "How far along is she?"


"How far along is she!" I repeat with more anger in my voice.

"I-" he paused.

"Just fucking say it Ethan!" Grayson growled at his brother and I heard him let out a sigh.

"6 w-weeks," he stuttered.

I slowly turn around as a layer of tears washed over my eyes causing them to look glassy, "You Ethan Grand Dolan, are a cheating dick, I don't want you here anymore just please leave."

"Mariella please.."

"No Ethan! I shouldn't have believed you for a fucking second! You've cheated on me with the sister why did I think you wouldn't do that with your ex too?"

Grayson barged past ethan and stood by me, clearly he's just as mad as I am.

"Ethan I think it's best you leave." Grayson's arm latches onto my side rubbing my arm in comfort.

"I fucking hate you." I spat.

(Ethan's pov)

"I fucking hate you."

My heart shattered, literally. I felt like I had just been stabbed continuously right in the heart, I can't even begin to imagine what she feels like. I'm such a fuck up. I've lost her for good.

"I'm sorry" is all I say before turning around and walking towards the door. I here her muffled cries as Grayson walks away with her.

I make my way towards the door but that was before I felt somebody grip my collar and push me up the cold wall.

I see a tall boy, his body shape just like mine, his muscles shown as he pinned me up the wall with a face full of anger and hate.

"You touch her again and you won't live to see daylight the next morning, leave and don't fucking come back."

He dropped me harshly pushing me back against the wall making me hit my head and drop to the floor as my hand held me up.

"Shit," I mumbled rubbing the back of my head. Who the fuck was that? Her new boyfriend?

I walk out of the house with my head drooping low, that didn't go to planned. What did I expect? For he to be all jolly? Fuck, fuck, fuck Ethan you've really fuckedddd uppppp.

*buzz buzz*

I look down and see a text from Meredith.

Meredith: Where the hell are you? I've been sat on your bed for hours on end.

Meredith: Are you fucking crazy?! When did you think going to LA where the hoe MARIELLA is!

Meredith: You prettier pick up this fucking phone uhh now Ethan otherwise I'm telling everybody about this baby.

Me: I told her

Me: now she hates me

Meredith: good I don't want her near my man

Me: I'm not yours Meredith, not anymore. I want Mariella, I need her, she was my anchor and still is.

Meredith: You weren't thinking that when you were moaning my name for your whole family to hear baby boy.

Me: Fuck you Meredith.

Meredith: Now why would I do that when I have you to do that for me?

Me: I don't want the baby, take care.

Meredith: You can't just walk away from this Ethan! This baby is made from both of us not just me, we should be together it's best for the baby! Just please come home.

I left her on read and got into the tacit hat had just arrived in front of me.

I tell him to take me to Nate's apartment knowing he's here in LA at the moment, probably drinking but it's better than having to pay right?

(Mariella's pov)
"I am honestly so sorry Mariella you don't deserve him." Grayson says pulling me into a hug, I wrap my arms around his torso taking in the moment.

I let out a few sniffles which he must of noticed as he place his large hand softly on the back of my head rubbing it up and down in attempt to calm me.

"He doesn't deserve you."

I smile at his words, maybe he didn't deserve me but I sure as hell wanted him. He might be a fuck up but I'm in love with him and feelings don't just fade away like that.

"Grayson," I pull away and look up at him, his arms still slightly wrapped around me, "I want to live here, in LA."

His eyes widen, shock written all over his face, "Are you sure you're parents would let you? And why when you have Nee Jersey?"

"I could move on here Gray, forget about everything that's happened. Brooke and me could come out here together and be friends with all of these amazing people who have let me in, this feels like home, or at least my second home."

I watched as his tender muscles relax and his breathing becomes steady, "if you're happy here then you should, but if Brooke moves, I move."

"You and B huh?" I perk up and eyebrow as a smirk is thrown on my face.

His face flushed red as he looked down, damn this kid has fallen for her.

"I like her, like a lot Mars."

I nod and smile knowing he's happy, before I could say anything else I see Alissa come down with the rest of the gang.

"So Mariella we would like to ask you something," Alissa smiled reaching the bottom of the stairs now stood in front of me.

She grabs my hands and smiled brightly once again, "Would you like to be the newest member of Clout Gang?"

I jump at the moment to hug her and I feel the vibrations as she laughed.

"I'm going to take that as a yes," she giggled into my shoulder, "Also you have a friend called Brooke correct?"

I nod and she continued, "we'd like her to join too if she's down?"

I bounce up and down excitedly and reply with a simple, 'of course'.

Turns out this night wasn't so bad after all.
Next chapter is the last chapter how'd ya'll feel?

———————————————Next chapter is the last chapter how'd ya'll feel?

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