Toxic// chp 29

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(Mariella's pov)
11:42pm, Party, Mariella's house.

We continued the game and way more than 7 minutes later Ethan and Meredith trail back down the stairs. My eyes dart up and watch as they slowly walk back and sit in the circle.

They both looked flustered, swollen lips and messy hair. Meredith glared over me as she used her thumb to wipe her mouth the focused back on the game.

What the fuck?

I look over at Brooke who shared the same expression as me.

"I'm going to go get a drink," I state whilst looking at Brooke. I motioned my head towards the kitchen and she nodded and followed close behind me.

Once we reached the kitchen we slammed the door and immediately turned to each other, speechless.

"Mariella," she paused, "What the actual fuck." She spat out.

I ran my fingers through my hair pacing back and fourth trying to figure out what to say, "either they are professional actors or they did some shit!" She stated and I swung around facing her.

"He said he wouldn't," I replied, "I know he wouldn't, would he?"

I started pacing back and forth again until she gripped my shoulders firmly causing me to stop.

"You can trust Ethan but did you really think you could trust Meredith? The poor boy is drunk, for all we know he could have been hallucinating you or fuck knows." She huffs.

She has a point. I couldn't trust Meredith with Ethan, especially when he's drunk. I shouldn't have let him go along with it.

I was about to speak then Nate opens the door, "you girls coming back?"

We both nod and follow Nate back out and rejoined the circle. I sigh and don't make eye contact with Ethan yet I can feel his stare burning holes into me.

"Next is Mariella," Nate said sliding me the bottle to spin. I take a deep breath and hold it as it spins. It suddenly stops, I look up and see it landed on Grayson causing me to sigh in relief. I get up following Grayson into my room and locked the door behind us.

"Now before you rant Mars, I know exactly what you're thinking, Ethan and Meredith did stuff." He said as if he was reading my mind.

"How'd you know? Mind reading freak," I let out and soft chuckle and so did he.

"Because I had the same thought," he shrugged, "I don't even know what happened with them two in that room."

I sat on the bed resting my elbows on my thoughts as my face sat in the palm of my hands, "Grayson,"

"Mhm" he hummed.

"What if they did do things?" My voice cracked a little.

"I'm no-" He inhaled and scrunched up his nose, "What the fuck is that smell?"

I furrow my eyebrows and copy his previous actions and get a weird smell.

"THAT BITCH!" I screamed.

I darted towards the door but Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me back; covering the door.

"They," I paused as the realisation hit me, "they did it in my bedroom Grayson.."


"Calm down," he said wide eyed, "they could hear you!"

I started to sniffle as tears threatened to fall, "twice Grayson," I choked out on my tears, "first my sister now his ex? I can't deal with this anymore Grayson." I dropped to the ground and brought my knees to my face as I buried my tear stained face in my knees.

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