Chapter 2-Oh the Horror.

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Chapter 2-Oh the Horror.

   Oh he’s just so yummy. The thought entered my head, and never left. Staring at his lean body walking around, helping our parents-his night black hair long and wet stuck to his forehead and that definitely giving my body some weird feelings. 

   At 13 years of age, i was ignorant to what these feelings were, but they sure as hell felt good. He walked by Paldon and laughed at something he said. Oh that laugh. It brought his face alive and gave his eyes a certain sparkle and his dimples just began to show. 

   I didn’t realize i was staring until Paldon turned and winked at me. Turning scarlet, I looked away and walked toward the beach. 

   It has been 6 years since I told Vee I was in love with Victor. Then, everyone thought it was baby love, and so did I. I thought it would fade and i’d realize it wasn’t true. Somehow though, that hadn’t happened. Over the 6 long years i changed quite a bit, and pretty recently too. I was a little girl and just 6 months back i got my womanly curse. Now once every month i was doomed to 4-5 days of hell. Excess food and unbelievable stomach pains. It sucks.

   Back to the point...6 months ago i started changing. Little by little by body started developing, guys flirted with me more, my hair turned a luscious red color, thick and strong and my face grew into itself, changing and flourishing. Soon i found myself the centre of attention both in school and out. Guys flocked around me like bee’s around honey. Yet, the boy of my dreams, the boy i have loved for 6 years now...from a little girl love to a pre-teen consuming love...that boy still refuses to see me as anything but his best friend’s sister.

   That was until that one night at my School Social. 

    My school, was one of the biggest and most social school ever. Everyone wanted to go here and the people here were all with high reputations and nice cars and mansion sized houses. The cliques were still the typical high school cliques, with the jocks and cheerleaders, the mathletes, the science nerds, the normals..and then there was the group i hung out with. Me and my friends were what people called ‘All-Rounders’. The very well deserved name was given to us because, well-we’re nice to everyone. We’re a good-looking bunch with good backgrounds and good grades too. People called me ‘Queen Bee’, but i was not stereotypical so i chose to use my title for the better. I helped kids being bullied and was a teachers pet;yet i loved partying and i was a slight flirt. So when the time came for the School Social, i of course, was placed as a part of the organizing committee, which by the way never took on freshmans. 

   The planning and getting things done didn’t take much time, since i got what i wanted done with a click of my fingers. The Social was in a club, called ‘The Blues’. It was a gorgeous place with black dance floors and neon blue lights, stringing across the ceiling. By the time it was the 8th December everything was ready. Food, lights, decorations, drinks, music...everything. The Social was supposed to take place on the 9th. With everything done, i felt content. It looked amazing and me being only a freshman helping the seniors definitely improved my reputation. 

    My dad picked me up from the gate of the club. As soon as i was in the car i attacked him with a hug. I had always been a ‘Daddy’s Girl’ and my father was the best of the best. He always made sure i was happy, and although he was a tad bit overprotective i loved him all the same.

   We arrived home 15 minutes later. It was a beautiful friday night, the weather was not too cold, but not too hot either. I pressed the little button on the remote and our electric gate came to life and sped upwards. Laughing and carrying bags i greeted my mum, who stood at the door waiting for us. 

   My mother was  a beauty. At the age of 38, people still mistook her for an 18 year old. She was a tiny little thing at heigh of 5 feet and had shoulder length red hair with honey brown eyes. Happiness always seemed to radiate from my mother, and that was one of the few things i inherited from her. Other than my blood-red hair of course.

   Harry trotted down the stairs in a pair of spongebob boxers and messy hair. A disgusted expression made it’s way on my face as i screamed ‘Daddy! Harry’s not wearing clothes again!” 

   My fathers 6'2" body and curly brown hair entered along with the rest of him. He took one glance at my brother and shooed him off with a “No parties for a month if you don't change in less than 5 seconds, young man”. Harry was up and down the stairs wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that said NY on it.

“Dad, whats for dinner?” Harry questioned.

“Cathy honey is dinner ready yet?"

Me and my brother grimaced at my fathers term of endearment. He knew it creeped us out, probably why he did it though. 

    “Pizza. Chels, Harry, D, come for dinner! I’m very hungry!” Mum’s name for dad had always been D, never Dan. Come to think of it...i don’t think i had ever heard her call him anything else.  Trudging down the stairs, the 3 of us made way to the dining room and the rest of the night was lost to us. After 2 and a half hours of talking, laughing and eating i went to bed. Turning off my purple light and sinking into the pink covers, i drifted off to dreamless sleep.

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