Chapter 24-Cheaters Never Prosper

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“Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life. Work's important, family's important, but without excitement, you have nothing. You're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.”

-Nicholas Spakrs, Three Weeks With My Brother

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Chapter 24-Cheaters Never Prosper

Chelsea’s POV

New Years day. The time of new beginnings. Black dresses and gold jewelry. A new year. A new start. Excess alcohol and temporary amnesia. Bad decisions, food fest’s, and plenty, plenty of fun. 

All in one night.

New years day!

My staggering black dress hung at the back of my cupboard, freshly ironed and wrinkle free. Gold splattered my table top, bangles, necklaces, earrings, hair clips. The clock struck and so did my heart. Relax, I told myself. It’s only 6 o clock. I’ve got 3 more hours till Vic picks me up.

Hannah, Sean, Adrian and Alex are going to a party one of my classmates were throwing. I chose to be with Vic instead. Me, Vic, Harry, Arts, Jake, Mels, Nats and Nate. 

Fake ID’s, a night of dancing, prettily coloured cocktails. *sigh*, this is going to be fun. Oh yeah, and Victor. That sexy beast of a man.

The club was not too far away, maybe 20 minutes by car. We were taking two cars. Our parents were going together too, just somewhere else. Nate’s house, which was currently empty, would be used as our shelter for tonight. We could hardly go home drunk out of our minds, or go home wanting to ravage each other like animals. Tonight however, Vic was designated driver. Alongside Jake for the other car. So it kinda sucked for them. I however, was going to drink like a fish, I thought with a wide grin.

I pulled out the nail polish tube and applied with careful precision two coats of black of each nail. My toes were done in a bright glittery gold and my hair was going to be next. Burning my fingernails with the harsh air of the blow dryer, I then tied up my hair and layer by layer, brought it back down. At the end, my hair was nicely set, straight at the top, bouncy at the bottom, and it looked amazing.

Make up next. Dammit.

I stared distastefully at the pack of lipsticks and blush’s that sat on my dressing table. Well, I gotta get it over and done with soon. The clock stroked 7.30, and I lightly began to panic. Cold water splashed across my face and I quickly began my work with the powder. My eyeliner was light, pretty nonetheless. A soft pink gloss and light blush assaulted my face, as well as glittery eyeshadow. Washing my hands, I pulled out my contacts pouch and slipped them into my eyes. Grey contacts. They looked amazing. Truly, they did. Now, the dress. 

I flung open the doors of my cupboard and carefully pulled out the beautiful piece of art. It was a body fitting, tight black dress, but around it, was a light gold scarf, that went all the way to the back. It was gorgeous. I donned on the dress and just stood there, staring at myself in the mirror. I looked transformed. The dress highlighted my body in all the right places, my long delicious legs ended with stunning gold and black heels, my face looked lighter, with more color in it, my lips looked soft and pink, just perfectly kissable, and my eyes. They made me want to gaze all night in the mirror. They were arresting and intriguing and just absolutely amazing. 

My head spun around of it’s own accord and the clock showed that Vic would arrive in approximately 5 minutes. I got out a small black purse and chucked in my phone, lipgloss, powder and my contact box. Might need to remove those things. My overnight bag, was already at Nate’s and I was fully prepared for anything that would happen tonight. 

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