Chapter 3-5 Shots down.

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“Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more.” 

-Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song

Chapter 3-5 Shots down.

   The screeching off the alarm pulled me back into consciousness and i had a strong desire to bash my alarm into the wall. Sighing, remembering i had much to get done before the Social tonight i grudgingly got myself out of bed.

   Eggs was the first thing that came to my mind as i pulled open my door. The aroma of food was so strong that my stomach gave an animalistic little growl and my feet were moving of their own accord towards the dining hall. 

   “Hey, Chels, i need 3 tickets for the Social. Do you have any left?” My eyebrows shot up in confusion, annoyance and disbelief. He still hadn’t bought the tickets?! 

“Yes, you idiot. Your lucky i saved 5 tickets instead or you wouldn’t be going! And why do you need 3 tickets?” 

“Me, Arts, and Vic.” At the mention of Victors nick-name my heart started beating faster and a faint blush made it’s way on to my cheeks. 

“Vic’s coming?!” 

“Yes, your dream boyfriends coming. Your really weird. Your never gonna get him you know, the amount of girls fawning after him is unbelievable. He’s almost as fit as me!” 

Rolling my eyes i said “You and your big head. And he is not my dream boyfriend! I don’t even like him!” He’s not my dream boyfriend..he’s my dream husband. And i dont’ just like him, i’m in love with him! I pushed my floating thoughts to the back of my head and continued to my destination.

   “I’m sure you don’t” My head turned in shock to see my mum standing behind me with an amused expression. She sent a wink my way before settling into her chair. Grumbling i sat down and dug into breakfast. Walking outside after my filling meal, i took out my phone and began my work. After about 17 calls and 7 texts i closed my phone and laid it on the table. Sighing from my exhaustion  i closed my eyes. After what felt like 10 minutes “Boyfriend” by Justin Bieber rang out of my phone. Picking it up, knowing it was Aleinda, i spoke into the phone.


“Heyy! How’s the planning going?”

“It’s finally done! And guess what! Vic’s coming tonight! Omg, i hope he doesn’t bring anyone! I’ll die. I wonder why i can’t stop liking him! It’s so unfair!”

“I don’t think you’ll ever stop liking him. ANYWAYS. I wanted to tell you i’m coming over at 5 and we’ll start getting ready. And i got you a dress, as promised, since you had all this planning to do, i got you shoes and jewelry as well”

“Oh thank you Al! Your a life saver! Seriously!”

“No problem, i’ll be over at 5. Later love” I walked upstairs, deciding since there was more than 4 hours left, i’d take a nap.

   The next thing i know, Al’s at my house, shouting profanities in my ear and screaming at me to get up. After  a bit of whining i finally dragged myself to the washroom, and cleansed and scrubbed my face. Once i was done i re entered my room to see Al spreading out all the make up and jewelry boxes. Searching around for the dress i spotted a printed bag with what looked like clothes in it. Making my way towards the little bag next to my wooden desk, i bent down to get it, only to find it was gone before i could reach it. 

   Looking up I saw Al staring at my in annoyance. “You don’t get to look at the mirror or the dress or anything else for that matter, until i’m done with you”. Knowing that arguing with her would be like punching a wall-useless, painful and energy consuming-i agreed to her demands. Plugging my electric blue ipod in, I sat on the big black chair, closed my eyes, and let Al doll away.

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