Chapter 13-Near Death?

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“If conversation was the lyrics, laughter was the music, making time spent together a melody that could be replayed over and over without getting stale.” 

-Nicholas Sparks


Not my best chapter, I know. I just had massive writer's block, but I wanted to get something up for those of you who read my stories. So please show me some love, and vote, comment, fan and add to your library! PLEASE:)


Chapter 13-Near Death?

Chelsea’s POV

Groaning, I switched of my alarm, that was emitting a loud wailing-like noise. I switched on my phone, and saw that it was already 7.20. 


I was supposed to leave at 7.50, and before that I had to have a bath, get ready, last minute packing AND breakfast, because I was pretty dammed hungry. Shooting through my daily motions, I found myself eating chocolate filled pancakes right at 7.40.

Perfect timing, i thought.

I was halfway through my mouth watering breakfast when Arts arrived. She strutted in like she owned the place and plumped her tiny ass down in the seat next to me.

Don’t get me wrong, I love her, she was once my bestest friend ever. But now I’m so sick of her and her ‘mightier than all’ attitude and her thinking she was above everyone else. For my brothers sake though, I handled it, because before her, he was just another notorious player/drug addict. She actually changed him. The attraction was unknown to me, but I welcomed it with open arms. Anything that could tame the beast. 

‘So, what’s up with you and Vic?’ She asked, while smiling widely at me, and for once I caught a glimpse of my old best friend. 

That lasted all of 3 seconds before I remembered how possessive she was of Harry, how she annoyingly texted me whenever she couldn’t find Harry, how she ignored anyone younger than her and drank like a fish to keep her reputation up.

Yeah, then I lost sight of my old best friend again.

‘Things are pretty amazing actually. This trip is gonna help our relationship so much. We just haven’t had any time to ourselves. So this weekend is gonna be pretty amazing.’

‘Oh okay. Anyways, me and Harry are doing amazingly. Our one year anniversary is in like a month, and i’m so very excited! Oh and Chels, what did you bring to wear to the club in London?’

‘I brought a dress. I mean, what else do i bring?

‘Oh awesome! So did I.’

At that moment, Harry sauntered down the stairs, his black eyes dull from lack of sleep and his brown hair all mussed up. He wore a beige V neck t-shirt with a white jacket over it and dark blue jeans. Arts also wore a beige skirt and white top. Looking at them, I just wanted to laugh out loud at how they matched. They looked adorable!

His eyes twinkled as soon as he caught sight of Arts and he made his way over to her to plant a kiss, smack on her lips. We all sat there, eating breakfast until the clock struck 7.55. 

‘Guys. We need to leave. MUM, DAD, we need to go!’

‘Hold on a sec honey, we’re coming.’

Mum and Dad came down the stairs together in their pj’s. They bid us a good trip and told us to be safe, prolonging our exit. Finally after 10 more minutes we were in the car and on the way to Vic’s.

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