Chapter 21-Forever & Always

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“I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've lead a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.” 

-Nicholas Sparks,  The Notebook



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Chapter 21-Forever & Always

Chelsea’s POV

Vic wrapped the blindfold around my eyes a bit tighter than necessary. He held my hand and guided me into the car. He opened my door and settled me into the comfortable leather seats, and then proceeded to make his way to the drivers side. Getting in, he switched on the heater before hitting the radio. My favourite station blared out through the speakers and soon I found myself singing along, having nothing else to do.

I could feel Vic’s gaze on the side of my head as I heard his soft quiet laughter at my vocalness. I turnedd and pouted in his direction, which earned me a deep chuckle, before resuming to karaoke with Adele.

The ride was short, only 15 minutes, and I found myself mentally scanning the places that could be 15 minutes away and require a dress. doesn’t have to require a dress, I thought, maybe Vic just wanted to see my legs? I argued with myself until Vic came round and pulled me out. He stood behind me, steering me forward towards whatever surprise he had planned. He leaned down and whispered in my ear,

‘Love my surprise Baby.’

I grinned and flushed at his compliment. I had worn a yellow dress. It had no back and a sweetheart cut in the front. It’s bright tones complimented my hair and made me look like the epitome of summer and fruity. I loved it, I thought, sighing.

I felt my ballet flats step onto concrete, and then I was being led down stairs, carefully, one step after another. Vic’s grip on my waist tightened as he ushered me down. Once the last step was done I took one step forward without Vic having to push me, and found myself being pulled back by a strong, unknown force.

‘Are you crazy?’

His tone was incredulous and I was pretty sure he was staring at me with his doe wide eyes. Irritation seeped into me as I retorted.

‘Well I can’t exactly see can I Sherlock?’

He gently laughed and kissed me on my lips. Immediately my previous annoyance disappeared as my hands searched the air for him. He laughed once more, this time more loud and put his hands back on my waist, pulling me to him. This time he kissed me with more force.

His lips were in between mine and he sucked and suckled for all he was worth. His tongue slashed through my mouth and dominated me entirely. The combined motion of his tongue exploring my mouth, and his lips biting mine, had me moaning and groaning, the sound coming guttural from the way back of my throat. 

He pulled his lips back and pressed his forehead against mine.

‘Is it just me, or is there something really kinky about making out with my hot girlfriend when she's blindfolded?’

‘Hmm. It’s just you. I don’t have a girlfriend.’

‘I’d sure hope so.’ 

His tone emitted disgust and wonder at the same time and I giggled before pulling his face back to mine. I kissed him, leading the kiss this time and before I know it, he pulled away. 

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