Chapter 25-An End Of Something Beautiful

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“I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.” 

-Nicholas Sparks, Dear John


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Chapter 25-An End Of Something Beautiful

Chelsea’s POV

Mels hand shot out and viciously ripped the drunken whore off of Jake. She pushed her away like she weighed a feather and stalked up to a disorientated looking Jake and she slapped him.

She actually, physically, slapped him.

His eyes went wide as his hand took position over his swollen red cheek. He mentally collected everything that had happened and immediately began to try to right his wrong.

‘Mels..Baby...I’m sorry. I’m drunk, and she came onto me, and I didn’t know what I was doing, and she looked so much like you..Mels..’

A fuming Mels held her hand upright in front of his face and seethed;

‘Don’t. Just...don’t okay. When we got together, I was the player. You were a player too, but I was the one who had never had a serious relationship. But I gave you a chance. And if I ever believed this relationship would end, I expected it to be because of my carelessness or my need to sleep and be with a different guy every week. But no. I stayed with you. I told you I freaking loved you! And now you do this?! Seriously Jake!? NO. And don’t bother trying to win me back either. We’re over. We’re done. So now, you can go fuck who ever you want, just DONT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN.’

Jake’s mouth hung open as he stared at Mels in disbelief. She spun around, grabbed my hand and strut all the way to the dance floor. 

As I watched every little movement of Mels, I could not believe it. She had actually just slapped him and given him a long ass speech. I’m pretty sure I would’ve bawled like a baby had that happened to me. Damn. She was one tough girl.

The song ‘Scream’ by Usher blasted through the speakers and Mels took the phrase ‘dance without caring who’s watching’ a bit too seriously. Halfway through she ground against a random beautiful stranger, who then bought her a drink. I walked back to Vic and grinned at the look on his face.

‘I can’t believe she slapped him. Can you believe she just slapped him? Like with her hadn and all?’

His face was confounded and he looked adorable. Letting out a little ‘aww’ I grabbed his face and kissed him smack on the lips. The kiss soon became hot and heavy and suddenly I became aware of the fact that someone was poking my ribs. I broke the kiss with Vic and turned around to see Nats giving me her classic ‘WTF you doing’ look. 

We danced, drank and made out for the rest of the night. When it was 1 minute to midnight all of us got together around the little round table, watching the DJ waiting for the countdown.

10 seconds.

’10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. HAPPY NEW YEARS!’

We all screamed at the top of our lungs and I immediately latched my mouth onto Vic’s. I kissed him with all I had and only came up for breath. Finally, he rested his forehead against mine and said,

‘Happy New Years Babe. I love you. Forever and Always.’

I smiled at his words, despite the shocking reminder that it was 2012. That he was leaving in 2 weeks. Despite the fact that this new years would probably be the last one we spend together as a couple, no matter how much we wish otherwise. 

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