Chapter 12-Memories

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“I am nothing special; of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts, and I've lead a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I've loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough.” 

-Nicholas Spraks, The Notebook

Chapter 12-Memories

Chelsea’s POV

Life could not get any better. 

Vic had got him and me the day bands, which meant we could go on any amount of rides today. I forced him to sit with me through the upside down roller coaster atleast a 15 times and we went on the ferris wheel a dozen times just to have a steamy make out session at the top. After about 5 hours of non stop rides, we came to a halt in front of a cotton candy stall. I scouted out a set of a table and a bench and let Vic know i was going to save us seats while he got us some sweets. Plumping onto the wooden bench, i began ogling Vic. I felt like a dirty perv, but just couldn’t help it. He’s just so hot. Unexpectedly, something..rather someone, multiple someones, blocked my perfect view of Vic. Scanning them up and down, i saw 2 pretty blondes and one gorgeous brunette, standing there all tall and fetching, flirting with MY boyfriend. Well, soon to be boyfriend anyways. I forced myself to calm down, as i reminded myself that they were just talking to him, and they had all the right. Chanting this like a prayer, i look back up to see the brunette’s grimy little hand on MY Vic. I lost all understanding, and stalked over to where they were. Plastering a sugar sweet, very fake smile on my face, i fastened my hand around Vic’s bicep, and spun to face the little wench’s hitting on my man.

Victor’s POV

Standing in the line, i recalled the guy in the parking lot. White-tee as Chels called him. When i saw him hold Chels, i just wanted to punch him. And when i found out about his history with Chels, man that just made me wanna rip him apart, limb from limb. Feeling Chels’s arms around me and her voice near my ear, was the only thing that kept me sane. More than the fact that he had a history with Chels, i think i hated him more because he was her first. 

It should've been me. 

I should’ve been her first. I was supposed to be the one that she experienced those pleasures with. I just had to go screw it up, did’t i?

Glancing at Chels i saw her checking me out, smirking i rotated my head and caught the eye of 3 girls. Not bothering to take a proper look at them, i turned back to face the cotton candy man, who was taking so freaking long. 

‘Hi’ I spun around to see the 3 girls from before, right in front of me. They were 2 blondes and a brunette. Pretty, i guess. The kind of girls i would sleep with after Chels dumped my ass. Just to be polite, i returned the greeting with one of my own, and a smile. This apparently, seemed to encourage them to stay. Great.

They stayed for quite a while, moving with me when i moved as the line got shorter. Out of nowhere, the brunette touched my arm, seemingly trying to push her luck. Just as i was about to let her know i had a girlfriend, who way by the way a hundred times more beautiful than them, i saw Chels out of the corner of my eye.

She had got up and walked over her, with a hard beat in her step. 

Oh no, this is not going to end well, i thought.

She came over and latched herself onto me, smiling like a practiced movie star to the 3 girls in front of me. They gazed distastefully at her, clearly not regarding her as competition. If possible, this only increased her anger. She nearly growled at them, and tugged at me to come with her. Not wanting to do anything to piss her of, i gave in to her pull. Sitting down with her, i noted how with each passing minute, her anger subsided. When i determined she was calm enough for me teasing, i began.

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