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(no song for this chapter bc i couldnt think of one, if you do put it in the comments and i might add it in)

"Tyler!" A familiar voice called out.

"Hmm?" I asked.

I turned around and it was my friend Nathan from high school.

"Dude we're college students now!" He said, clearly excited.

"Are those my two favorite idiots?" Another voice said.

It was another friend from high school, Bianca.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We got accepted duh." Nathan joked. "What, you don't think we're as smart as you?"

"Exactly." I said sarcastically. "Are Kate and Skylar coming too?"

"Yeah, they should be here soon." Nathan said. "I'm glad we're all in the same house so we don't have to be with a bunch of strangers."

The way houses work in our school are that three boys and three girls are placed in houses next to campus.

"Any-who our across the street neighbors are having a party tonight and I love parties sooooo?" Bianca said.

"I think we should go." Nathan said. "Tyler?"

I don't usually go to parties but now I'm going against my better judgement and agreeing.

"I guess." I said.

"Thank youuuu." Bianca said. "Let's go unpack."

We walked into our house and picked rooms. Nathan and Bianca chose two rooms downstairs and I chose one upstairs. There were three rooms left, one upstairs and the last two downstairs. When Kate and Skylar got here they chose the downstairs room. I unpacked all my clothes and stuff and then when I finished I went downstairs to help Nathan unpack.

"So do you know who the other roommate is?" He asked.

"Not a clue." I replied, folding a shirt and putting it in the dresser.

"Well we'll figure it out eventually." He said.

"What do you think he's like?" I asked.

"Well I hope he's nice, we're gonna have to live with him so it'd help if he wasn't a total douche." Nathan laughed.

"Good point." I said.

"Weird how we're all adults now, I still feel like a high schooler y'know?"

"Yeah I feel the same way." I said. "You still act like a teenager."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed.

The tone in his voice became more serious.

"You sure you wanna go to this? We don't have to if you're uncomfortable." He said.

"I'll be fine." I smiled.

When Nathan finished up I went back upstairs to get ready for the party. I took a shower and then put on a black hoodie, a green jacket black skinny jeans, and black vans. I fixed up my hair and then joined the rest of the guys downstairs in the living room. Everyone was ready.

"I made a little note for the new guy when he comes, I explained that we're going to the party across the street and that he should join us when he's unpacked." Kate said.

"Alright now can we please go?" Bianca said.

"Yeah yeah alright let's go." Skylar said.

I was the last one to leave so I locked the door and Kate put her note on the door. I was a bit anxious when I heard the muffled music and voices. I heard everything clearly when Bianca opened the door.

There were people laughing, dancing, talking, exchanging numbers, and overall having fun. The lights glowed different colors. Purple, blue, green, yellow, red. Then I realized I was all alone. Everyone else had just gone off on their own. I fiddled with my hands anxiously and looked around. The music was blasting but people were talking louder over it. There were people drinking, playing beer pong, making out, basically everything you'd expect at a party.

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