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(song for chapter: Tongue Tied - Grouplove)

I guess I lost track of time because I spent an hour and a half in the bathroom. I came out and walked downstairs to find Nathan and Josh dancing with bottles in their hands and singing the words to the song. I laughed.

Drunk in only an hour an a half? Nathan's new record.

Josh saw me and motioned for me to come over. I kindly shook my head no and smiled. He didn't stop though he still wanted me over there. I finally agreed and walked over. I laughed to myself as he serenaded me while taking long sips of his beer between lyrics.


I laughed and started humming the song.

"See you know the words." He said, he noticed my humming.

I mumbled the words and he danced around with Nathan. Nathan wasn't really dancing though, mostly just tripping over his own feet like an idiot. Josh continued to sing and dance and I just kept laughing. Nathan eventually went back to the bar and we joined him when the song finished.

"Whew." Josh sighed.

"Had fun?" I joked.

"Yeah." He smiled. "Come dance with me."

"Oh I'm fine thanks." I declined.

"Why not? Is it cus you can't dance?" He joked.

I laughed a bit and then followed him onto the floor. He did most of the dancing, I only swayed and tapped my feet. Eventually I started doing the "two-step" but that was all. Josh seemed happy and I was actually having fun. The music started to get muffled as I kinda zoned out. I just looked at his face and smiled. I snapped back when someone bumped into me. It was the girls.

"Having fun?" Skylar asked, dancing.

"Yup." I smiled.

Nathan left his bottle and joined us on the floor. Josh and Nathan kept singing and the girls joined. They all looked at me trying to get me to join in. Eventually I started singing but I sang quietly so they didn't hear. After a few more songs we all sat down on two couches.

"Want a drink?" Josh asked me.

My mind was telling me no but I answered before my mind caught up.

"Sure." I said.

Josh went over to the bar.

"Looks like you were havin fun." Skylar said, she got a bit quieter before speaking so the other guys wouldn't hear her. "I saw how you looked at him."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, defensively.

"I'm just observing." She smiled.

"Well stop." I laughed.

Josh came back with two bottles for me and him. I took a sip a slumped back onto the couch. I kept thinking about what Skylar said.

"Who dares to go against the champ of beer pong?" Nathan said standing up and putting his hands on his hips.

"Oh shut up!" Bianca laughed. "You're on!"

She turned back to us and whispered.

"I'll have the advantage because I'm sober." She joked.

"I wanna go see this." Kate said.

Skylar joined them, before she left she winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Now it was just Josh and me. Me and Josh.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"You wanna go dance again?" He replied.

"You can dance and I'll stand there and laugh at you." I smiled.

"Sounds like a plan!" He said, standing up.

We walked over to the dance floor and I watched him do his thing. I smiled.

Funny guy.

Not many people are funny when they're drunk. I know only one other funny drunk and that's Nathan. Well, he's more of an idiot but that's what makes him funny.

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