Final Goodbyes

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A/N- Hey everyone, another chapter up, yay. It's another sad chapter but I promise it will be a nice and beautiful chapter next :) Well at least exams are over and only two more weeks left of this term YAY. Also I got a One Direction jumper, it' super comfy :D if you wanna see a pic, follow me on twitter and instagram, kadeklouise, to see the pic.

Ok so the urls to the pics of the outfits are in the chapter, or you can easily go on to my Polyvore, kadeklouie, i have a one direction pic as my profile pic.

Also the song is Sophie's favourite song as well played in the funeral and is one of my favourite songs and Ed Sheeran is an amazing singer as well.

So hope you like th chapter and please vote and comment/review this chapter :)

till next time

-Kadek xxx



it’s really sad that I know Finding Nemo so well that I can say nearly every line, but at least I can make everyone happy with my attempt of putting on the voices. It also kept my mind off things, especially when I found out about Nicole and Louis. They make such a cute couple, seriously they match each other.

The movie ended and I finally finished my speech. It was 2pm and the funeral was at 4pm so there was two hours to go. I didn’t want to go but I had to say my final goodbyes to her somehow. It was hard losing my best friend but at least I had 5 great friends and the best cousin ever as well as my family there for me. It’s hard loosing someone at a young age, I did lose my grandparents younger but my best friend who has gone through everything with me and her dying at 17 was the worse. Everyone had return and the boys went outside with them, Nic was inside with me as well as Shane.

“So how has the tour been?” Shane asked.

“They’ve only done one show but I think they have another tomorrow and then the final one the next day.” I looked at Nic who just nodded in agreement. “I think we are off to New York after that.” He just nodded.

“Gosh my little sister is travelling the world before me.” We all just laughed and he went off with drinks to the outside.

“Hey Charlie, wanna go get ready, I think you might need a shower and I wanna do your hair and make-up.” I just nodded, went upstairs and had a shower as well as washing my hair.

I hopped into the warm shower and heard Nicole turn on some music. I sang in the shower and I can tell you I am not the best singer ever. It was some good music though, some Cher Lloyd and Ed Sheeran who was one of Sophie’s favourite singers. I got out and dried off before getting into a nice warm robe, I put on undies and bra don’t worry, and went into the room to find a seat near a table with a mirror, make-up everywhere, hair straighteners and curlers, gosh Nicole was prepared. I sat down and looked at myself in the mirror, I had no idea what Harry saw in me, I wasn’t the most beautiful girl in the world but apparently to everyone including tabloids I was. Nicole started on my hair, putting it into curls. I then notice her hair and make-up was already done, gosh I must have had a long shower or she was really quick but she looked beautiful, especially in the dress she was wearing. She then kneel down to me when and did my make-up, light but enough.

“Now go and get changed, I set it out for you on your bed,” she said as she left the room with her bag and went downstairs. I looked at the bed, and I saw a pencil skirt and a grey top, Nic did have good taste well she was a model. I got changed trying not to mess up my hair or make-up and got my speech and headed downstairs.

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