Makes her beautiful

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 I woke up to the sound of yells and screams. I couldn’t sleep at all; all I had was Harry on my mine. I should probably forget about it, it was probably just nothing. I rolled out of bed, forgetting that I was sleeping in a single bed, and fell onto the ground. Crap, my funny bone and no it wasn’t funny. I got up and walked downstairs, my hair a mess. I got to the bottom and saw the boys all ready, playing FIFA on the PS3. I just ignored them and walked to get a glass on orange juice and a muesli bar and stood behind the counter watching them arguing and screaming out FOUL a lot. I tried not to get notice and thank god I didn’t, I went back upstairs and got dressed and got my stuff ready for the beach. I went to my phone to see if Nicole was on her way and saw 1 un-read message.

Heyy, on my way be there in 5

From: Nicole

It was sent 10 minutes ago, so I’m guessing one of the guys let her in coz I didn’t hear any screaming or arguing. I walked down the stairs and saw the boys talking to Nic. They turned and all smiled, I saw Louis all shy, what a cutie. Nic (it’s Nicole) got up and ran up to nearly tackling me over.

“You didn’t tell me that they were cute,” Nic whispered in my ear while hugging me, “Especially that Louis.” She smiled when we parted and she started to blush. Oh Nicole.

“So everyone ready to go?” I said picking up my bag from the end of the stairs. I started to walk out the door followed by Nic and the guys. We went out the back way avoiding the fans and paparazzi. All we wanted was to day to be a quiet day to ourselves.

We all sat in the black van, me in the middle with Nic on my left and Harry on my right, with Louis in front of Nic, Liam in front of me and Niall in front of Harry and lucky Zayn in the front seat next to our driver named Mark. Louis and Nic were staring at each other, Louis was never quiet nor Nic. It was too quiet and very awkward so glad for Liam who so gladly put his arm around Louis and started to make him dance to, What Makes You Beautiful, their own song. Louis broke out of his awkwardness pretty easily. All the guys just started to be idiots and Nic and I just laughed and danced along.

We pulled up to this clear beach, no one was there just a small beach house. We piled out everyone running towards the water, dropping their clothes as they ran. Zayn sat down near all our stuff.

“You guys go in, I think I might just sit here,” he said making himself comfy.

“He probably wants to work on his tan,” Niall said running towards the sea followed by Liam, Nic, Louis and then me, I turned back to see Harry sitting next to Zayn.

“You not coming Harry,” I called back.

“Nah I’ll just sit here with Zayn for a bit.” I shrugged and went into the water.

Harry’s POV

I sat down next to Zayn who just stared at me, I’m usually the first one in. I looked after Charlie who was splashing Liam and getting tackled by him.

“Dude what’s wrong?” Zayn asked as I realised I was just staring at her.

 “Oh, nothing err… just nothing,” I said trying to not look to obvious.

“Oh really then is Charlie, nothing then.” I blushed and looked down playing with the sand.

“Well erm yeah she is really beautiful, I don’t know she looks like she is already in a relationship,” I said looking at the ocean and seeing Liam and Charlie hugging and then tackling. As well as Louis trying to flirt with Nicole, gosh now I’m jealous.

“How do you know?” He followed my gaze to Charlie and Liam. “Oh, hey do you want me to ask Liam? I don’t think so but I’ll ask for you bro.” I looked over and just nodded. As I looked up Louis stood there dripping wet.

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