Chapter 4: Touched

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Riley's POV
  How did this even happen??? I scratched my head as I tried to think of all sorts of possibilities. What if she thinks that I am the one who was behind all these. ARGGGG! I shall get my private investigator to deal with this issue. Meanwhile, let me hire an assistant for Carla and tidy up the document for the meeting with Carla. I typed the relevant information and reread it again before printing it out. I checked my watch. Shit, it's already 5.30pm. I grabbed my coat and suitcase while calling my driver. I had to rush to the hospital immediately and check on my Carla. Wait did I just said, "my Carla"? What's happening to me???

  Within minutes, my driver arrived and we were on our way to the hospital. On the ride there, my mind kept drifting to Carla. It was not even the start of the deal and I was unable to control myself. How am I going to survive this torturous year?! Within minutes, we reached the hospital and my driver alighted me while he parked the car. I rubbed my hands and took a deep breath before making my way into the hospital.

  I arrived Carla's ward and pushed open the door. I am surprised to see a bouquet of roses on her bedside table. I clenched my fists and controlled myself as I walked to her side. "Hey Carla, how are you doing?" She replied," I am doing fine! What makes you come here? Don't you have to work?" I took a seat. "Well, I decided to drop by and visit my future wife. Anything wrong with that?" She blushed as she took a sip of water. I decided to bring up the issue of the bouquet of flowers. "So Carla, who gave you that bouquet of flowers?" "Oh, that's my best friend! She knew I love roses and decided to bring it to brighten my day." I unconsciously heaved a sigh of relieve when I confirmed the fact that she did not have a suitor.

  I accompanied her through the evening and decided to stay in the hospital and keep an eye on her. Before she went to bed, I asked her a question. "Carla, will you agree to the deal and be my temporary wife?" I cursed at myself having to say the word "temporary". She froze for a millisecond before continuing to tidy the bedside table. "Yea, I will agree to the deal. But note that it is not because I am some sort of gold digger. I will just do both of us a favor." I was not satisfied with her reply but I was satisfied with her answer. It is a good thing that she had agreed to my deal but I do not like her thinking.

  I settled comfortably on the chair and draped the jacket over my body. "You are staying for the night?" "Yes, I am." She seemed shocked by the answer. "But surely that chair is not comfortable and you will have aches when you wake up!" She seemed alarmed. "But my future wife's well-being is my priority isn't it?" After hearing that, her face was as red as a tomato and she cooled herself before going to bed. I smirked in amusement but groaned inwardly at the uncomfortable chair.

Carla's POV

  To say I am shocked is an understatement. I didn't even expect Riley to visit me. I was bored to death staying in the hospital. The walls were painted dark brown and it sort of produced a sad vibe. I had really nothing to do and Naralle just visited for a short thirty minutes, together with my brother, after that leaving me to face boredom again. I sighed as I tried to think of something fun to do. The door opened, interrupting me from my train of thoughts. Riley came in and eyed at the bouquet of roses. I was surprised to see him here. Little did I expect him to visit me! He sat beside me and started a conversation. I must thank him for coming here. He really entertained me and lifted my feelings. When he asked about the roses, I could sense jealousy but I don't understand as this deal between us is fake and we should not even have feelings for one another.

  When he asked me about the deal, I was in a dilemma and despite the fact that I have already made my final decision ages ago. But I was unsure whether was I doing the right thing. Of course, Riley was acting really kind and loving but I do not know whether all these are only temporary or not! But in the end, I decided to go ahead with my initial decision. "Yea, I agree to the deal." I tried to calm my nerves before my heart explodes.
He seemed to be satisfied with my answer and settled in the chair before draping his jacket over himself. " You are staying for the night?" "Yes, I am." I was shocked. Did Riley just decided to accompany me for the night? However, I think it is out of guilt. He feels bad that the kidnapped incident happened on the day and time when his driver was supposed to fetch me. Maybe what he is doing is all only out-of guilt, not love or affection. I sighed softly before settling into the bed.
*****_ _ _*****

Carla's POV
  I woke up with light streaming into the room. The curtains were pulled aside neatly and when I turned around, I realised the chair is empty but there is a teddy bear with a note seating on it. I stretched out to take it and realised that it was from Riley.

Rest well and have a nice day.

  I grabbed the teddy bear and hug it tightly. I was touched. Wait that is an understatement. No words can describe how am I feeling currently. I had a smile on my face and I looked like I am glowing.

  During the afternoon, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I thought it was Riley but Naralle rushed in and her face was red and perspiration dotted her forehead. "Carla, it's Finn, he injured himself again and the doctors are undergoing a surgery as it is too serious." She said everything in a rush. I felt numb and tears unknowingly trickled down my face. Why? Why now? How...?

  Riley pushed open the door and rushed to my side and hugged me. I sobbed like a baby while he comforted me. "After hearing the news from Naralle, I immediately rushed down. I will ensure that your brother has the best healthcare you can ever find on earth." I continued to sob and then demanded someone to bring me to check on my brother. "Riley, can you bring me to see my brother?" I pleaded. "Alright, only if you promise me that you will not continue to blame yourself." "Yes." I immediately changed and got ready.

Within minutes, we set off to our location. Since it was an emergency case, my brother was brought to the nearest hospital instead of the hospital I am staying in currently.
Please let him be well god! He's all I have!

  Within minutes we reached and the doctor came out of the operation theater just in time.

  "How is he?"

  "May I ask if you are Finn's next of kin?"

  "Yes I am."

  "He's doing well but we have to keep him under observation for some time."

  "Thank you doctor." I heaved a sigh of relief. Riley has always been by my side, never leaving me alone, not even for once.

*****_ _ _ *****
Hey! Here's the 4th chapter! ::)) Longest chapter I have ever written so far haha! Hope you enjoyed it so far.
Qns: what's your favourite singer?
Word count: 1309

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