Chapter 11: Problems resolved?

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Riley's POV
  I am stressed out. I contacted my private investigator and got him to investigate on Carla's ex but so far none was discovered. Apart from that, Carla is getting more and more distant day by day. This should not have happened in the first place! I signed inwardly."If only I didn't rash out on her like this..." I immersed myself in work, working until late at night but I vowed never to neglect Carla. Despite the hectic Schedule I have, I make sure that she will not be neglected. I bought roses and cute little gifts for her, making a point to have dinner or lunch with her everyday. Although her spirits had lifted up considerably, I could still see the sadness in her eyes whenever we spent time together. Perhaps she is guilty for bringing so much trouble to me ever since our relationship. On the bright side, we are going to be married soon and I could take a three weeks break from work due to our honeymoon. She might not know but I am secretly planning for it.

  "Hey babe!" I entered my house only to be rewarded with the sight of Carla sleeping soundly on the sofa. I chuckled softly when I hear her soft snores. I place the roses on her desk and decided to cook dinner for both of us. I place the cheese into the oven such that it would melt and decided to steam the rice at the same time. spending much time with carla allowed me to discover that she likes Salmon baked rice. Since I have all the ingredients ready, why not make it for dinner?

  It took me approximately an hour to prepare the dish. Afterwards, I went to bathe and freshen myself up. After I came out of the shower, I realised Carla was screaming vaguely. It was rather muffled and I could not really make out the words but I ran to the sofa and tapped her lightly.

  "Carla babe wake up, you are having a nightmare!" She stirred and opened her eyes. There were tears streaming down her cheeks as beads of perspiration dotted her forehead.

  "Riley..." The word came out hoarse. I immediately hugged her and wipe away the tears. She just cling onto me. I shook my head mildly and was at a loss of what to do.

  After a while, I bought dinner to her and the face instantly lit up at the sight of her favourite dish. She ate it slowly.

  "Are you just going to stare at me eat Riley?"

  "Nope, it's just that I am not hungry now." I chuckled softly as the cute sight of her eating.

Carla's Pov
  I had a nightmare about Chris again. It had been going on for days but I made sure that I stayed at my house and spend my night there. However, during the daytime, I have to stay over at his house or else his parents will be suspicious.

  My spirits immediately lifted up after I saw my favorite dish.

  "Riley, did you cook this?" I asked since I was curious.

  "Yep, I did. Is it edible?" He asked with concern.

  "Of course it is Riley! You are a good cook. You have to cook for me everyday!" He just chuckled and I continued to gobble down the food.

   "Here have some orange juice." He sat with me after I finished my meal.

  "Carla, do you want to talk about the nightmare?" I shook my head furiously.

   "But babe, if you do not tell me, how am I going to help you." After a few minutes of considerations, I spilled all of the worries to him. He held my hand the entire time and did not even complain or burst out in anger once.

  From this, I can tell that he's the guy for me.

  After telling him how I feel, I felt as if I dropped a rock that is in my heart. I am relieved and at the same time afraid that he will leave me. Oh my Riley, please do not call off the marriage will you?

  "Babe, I will settle this. I will accompany you to receive treatment starting from tomorrow onwards." As much as I didn't want to see a shrink but I know that it is beneficial for me. I just nodded my head and rested my head on his shoulder.

  I am relieved that Riley didn't just push me away but at the same time I am worried that he will leave me at the end of everything.

  Time will tell.

Riley's POV
  I woke up the next day with Carla cuddling beside me. I shook my head at the thought of the amount of stress she is going through. I get out of bed, dressed for work and wrote a note for Carla, informing her of my whereabouts. I made some French toast and place it on the table.

  While driving to work, I got a call from my private investigator. "Sir, I am details of Chris Samuel Larington. I emailed it to you already." I sped my way to the office. I ran to the office and opened my laptop. Only to find out that...

Carla's Pov
  I woke up to find the other side of the bed empty. I looked at the note he left and realised that he went to work. I smile at the sight of French toast and gobbled the whole thing down in five minutes. Afterwards, I took a shower and decided to watch some TV.

  It's another boring day. I decided to cook dinner. While I was cooking, I felt faint.

  The next thing I know is, darkness engulfed me.

Riley's Pov
  I decided to keep the information of Chris away from Carla. She is too stressed. I suddenly remember about the appointment. Oh no! I have to reschedule it.
  I entered the house but frowned when I didn't hear Carla. Usually she will greet me when I reach home. I walked into the kitchen wanting to wash my hand. I halted in my tracks at the sight of Carla being unconscious.

  "Call the ambulance! Now!" I shouted at the guards standing outside the gates. I should have checked the CCTV. Oh gosh.

  "Carla, please be fine. Babe please don't scare me." I took her into my arms.

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~ enjoy ~
Word count: 1056



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