Chapter 19: Come back soon

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Carla's Pov
So far, my job at the bakery was alright. I really like the people there and helping out with the baking, taking orders etc. It was as if a part of me was back.

However, I still kind of feel that a part of my heart is still with Riley. I know I was the one that left him but my heart says otherwise.

"Hey you alright there, Carla?" Everleigh, my boss checked on me. (in case you didn't read my updated version, Everleigh is actually the lady who hired Carla)

"Yea, just kinda deep in thoughts." I continued with what I was doing at the moment which was tidying the counter top.

God, please protect all of my loved ones, Riley, Finn and Naralle, don't let anything happen to them please. (I am not a Christian but I thought that this chapter is essential)

I work from 8am to 5pm. After my work, I decided to walk home. Although it was a 2km walk from my house, I decided to walk instead of taking a bus. By walking, it clears my mind off things and also to allow me to enjoy the scenery along the walk.

I opened my door and dropped my bag on the sofa. I placed the photo of Riley and I on the tabletop. Once I entered the apartment, seeing the picture warms my heart and makes me smile.

I decided to make my dinner and I just sat and ate in peace, enjoying the scenery. Afterwards, I went to shower and turned in for bed.

Riley's Pov
"Brrrrring, Brrrrring." My phone rang.

"What do you want father?"

"Is that the right tone to speak to me son?"

"Cut the crap dad, so are you accepting the deal or not?"

"Hmm, with that attitude of yours now, I shall reconsider my choice."

"Please, please do me a favour father, please."

"Well, I shall agree to your deal but with one condition."

"What is that condition?"

"That you leave her immediately after we found her."


"Take it or leave it son, tell me your choice within the next 3 days."

I clutched my phone tightly and was so angry that I threw it on the wall. My anger management issues did not help me especially after Carla left me.

"Boss, I -"

"GET OUT, CAN'T YOU SEE I AM NOT IN A GOOD MOOD NOW?" my secretary shuddered in fear and closed the door softly as she left.

Should I agree to the deal? Carla's safely comes before anything. I should and I must ensure that she is safe. Although we can't be together, but her safety is of my utmost concern. How? Am I making the right decision?

Just then, my door opened. "DIDN'T I ASK YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE!??" I didn't bother looking who was it.

"My dear son, what happened?" My mother walked to my desk, careful not to step on the shattered glass.

"Mother..." My voice gave me away and I started tearing. She settled my head in her lap and rubbed my forehead gently.

I told everything to my mom. My mum said that she can't change my dad's mind, especially regarding this issue. She sighed in frustration.

"I kinda like Carla, although we only met a few times but she is really nice to be with."

"Mother, she was my everything. Until Anita came over and f***ed everything up."

"Son, let's just focus on locating her first. If you want to be together with her, you have to figure that out once her whereabouts are confirmed."

I nodded at my mother's words. I have already made up my mind. I will call my father and update him on my final decision tomorrow...

"Hey bro, you haven't called me in a long time... " Ritchie called me. (in case you haven't read my cast, Ritchie is actually Riley's best friend, I thought this was a good place to fit him into the story)

"You got time for a drink?"

"WHAT?!? Riley, bro, since when do you drink? What the heck???"

"Tell you all the details later, meet at the Kingseys at 8."

"Alright, see you soon." With that, he hung up.

I decided to rest for a few minutes before exiting my office. My mom left my office even before Ritchie called, she claimed that she had to reach home before my father or else my father will accuse her of fooling around. I shook my head at how unreasonable my dad is.

Unknown person's pov
"I kinda feel that he will agree to my deal."

"If he does, it will be double bonus, even if he doesn't, we can still carry out our plan. It's just that if he agrees to our deal, than there will be more drama and he can see his love one slip away muahahaha..."

(A/N: Any idea who this might be? I feel that it is pretty obvious isn't it?)

Carla's Pov
Things have been great so far, except for my health. I have been getting constant headaches and I am sure my cancer cells are doing nothing to help. I know I have to seek treatment but money is an issue. I shall just put my fate and destiny in god's hands.

Just as I wanted to sit upright and get ready for work when suddenly a black bag covered by head and I drifted into unconsciousness.

Riley, please save me...

Poof! Short chapter but I want to focus on key concepts rather than the length of the story. Especially after seeing those hate comments, I am feeling really annoyed and irritated. If you think my story sucks, just stop reading.

To my avid fans (not that I have any), thanks for the constant support!

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