2. Revenge

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Miley POV

“Bedadoop.” My phone buzzed. I rolled over, and checked the time. 6:00am! Why is someone texting me at 6:00am. I picked up my phone.

Louis (of course): We’re going to play football at the park after breakfast, and we need a sixth person. Are you in?

Miley: What time?

Louis: Like 10

Miley: Do I have a choice?

Louis: Not really

Miley: Fine, I’ll do it

Louis: Great! Meet us at the park at 10

Miley: Where are you guys?

Louis: We’re meeting up with Simon right now

Miley: Okayyyy, so I’m alone?

Louis: Yep

Miley: So I can go back to sleep?

Louis: Sure

I put my phone down, and drifted back to sleep.


I slowly woke up and checked the time, 9:30am! Oh shit, I hopped out of bed, remembering the football game. I went to the closet and grabbed my nike shirt, shorts, and shoes. I put them on, and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I put on my under armour headband. I slid down the banister, grabbed a banana and my skateboard, and skated towards the park. I walked into the park, and was pelted by water balloons.

“LOUIS.” I shrieked when they stopped. I heard a bunch of laughter, and turned to see all five members of One Direction laughing their butts off. I glared at them until they shut up. Everyone looked scared except for Louis who seemed pleased. I ran toward Louis, but he got his senses together, and when I approached him he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

“LOUIS, PUT ME DOWN!!!” I yelled.

“Alright, but no attacking.” He said.

“Fine.” I agreed. He set me down, “Okay, now are we gonna play or not?”

“We are, if you aren’t afraid of losing.”

“Cocky much?”


“Good, then you won’t mind losing.” I glare menacingly at Louis.

“Break it up you two.” Liam says, standing between us.

“Fine.” I declare, “What are the teams?”

“You, Niall, and Harry. Me, Liam, and Zayn. Alright?” Louis states.

“So basically the 3 youngest against the 3 oldest?”

“Yep.” We walked over to the field, and Louis hands me the ball.

“You can start with the ball.” I say.



My team the “Kitties” beat Louis’ team the “Toys”, 5-4.

“What’s that I smell? Oh, yeah, DEFEAT! Ha!” I said, “Someone’s out of shape.” I run over to Louis and poke his abs. The other guys chuckle.

“You’re right you are outta shape, Mibi.” He retorts.

“Oh yeah, then why did ‘mibi’ win?” I said.

“Luck, and good teammates.”

“Excuses, excuses”

“I think she got you beat, Lou.” Harry cuts in, “You’re losing your touch.” Louis rolled his eyes, and I giggled.

“As much fun as this is, I’m gonna go home.” I state. I grabbed my board, and headed toward home.


I plopped myself on my bed, and checked my phone for messages. I saw that I had a couple messages. I saw one that caught my attention, it was from Simon. I opened it.

Simon: Hello, little Tommo. I was wondering if you could do me favor.

Me: Sure, Si, what do ya need?

Simon: Cher Lloyd is doing a concert tonight and she asked if you would sing with her.

Me: I’d love too!

Simon: Great I’ll tell her! Can you come over here in half an hour to rehearse?

Me: Of course! See ya soon!

I plugged in my phone to charge, and skipped down the stairs to eat some lunch. I quickly heated up some pizza, and began to eat it. When I was almost done, the boys walked in.

“I’m singing with Cher L. tonight, and I’m leaving in a few minutes to meet up with her at the studio.” I said, between bites.

“I thought we were going to hang out today?” Niall said, disappointed.

“Sorry, Ni, I told Simon I’d do it.” I put my plate in the sink, and grabbed my board, “I’ll see you guys later.”


“Thanks for doing this on short notice.” Cher said.

“It’s no prob.” I said, and gave her a hug.

“Ugh, why are you so wet?” She said.

“Uh, sorry, I was a water target earlier.”

“Haha, you’re all good, just clean up before tonight.”

“Okay, I will.” We made our timeline for tonight and practiced a few songs.

“I’ll see you later Miley.” Cher said.

“Okay, I’ll see ya then.”


I got back to the house, and changed into a crop-top, high-waisted shorts, and Vans. I threw my hair into a high ponytail, and straightened it. I looked decent, so I slid down the banister to the foyer.

“I’m gonna go meet up with CL at the stadium now. I’ll be back late tonight.” I said. I turned and was about to leave, when Louis walked out of the living room, “Oh, hey.”

“Paul is going to stay with you tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I went out to the car, where Paul was waiting.

“Hey.” I said.

“Hey.” He said. We got in the car, “You’re singing with Cher tonight?”

“Uh, yeah.” I turned on the radio and “Me and my broken heart by Rixton” came on.

“I love this song.” He said, and I giggled. “What?”

“You just don’t seem like the Rixton type.”

“You don’t seem like a Hannah Montana type.”

“Very funny.” He chuckled. We got to the auditorium, and went to find Cher.

“You look much better now.” She joked.

“You do too.” I said.

“I’m not looking to bad either.” Paul added. We all laughed.

“We have about an hour before they let everyone in, so I was going to do a sound check and we can rehearse a couple songs if you want as well.” She said.

“Okay.” I replied.


When we were finished with the concert, I found Paul and we went out to the car. I didn’t remember anything else until I woke up in my room the next day.

Life, Love, and a Lot of Craziness  (Secrets, Songs, and Sweethearts sequel)Where stories live. Discover now