14. Why'd you stay?

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Miley POV

Never in a million years did I think that Ross would move in next to me. Ugh, I'm so frustrated right now. After our little "encounter" I go back into the house, slamming the screendoor shut. That's when it happened.

I screamed. 

I couldn't help it. I felt like Troy Bolton in High School Musical 3 I just needed to scream. I lean against the wall and sink down. I don't know how long I'm sitting there, but eventually I fall asleep. 


"Miley?" Louis shakes me awake.

"Yeah," I say, sleepiness present in my voice.

"Dinner's ready." 

"Oh," Louis takes my hands and helps me off the ground. I take a seat at the table with everyone else. Niall hands me a plate and kisses me on the cheek. I instantly blush. During dinner, I feel people eyeing me, it's a little creepy. 


After dinner, Louis and I do the dishes. I'm rinsing the plates and he's putting them into the dishwasher. 

"Are you going to tell me about what happened earlier?" Louis says, after the silence had gotten awkward. 

"No," I reply, quickly.

"Alright," He says. We finish cleaning the dishes and I go upstairs to my room.

Louis POV

I flinch as Miley slams her door.

"Did she tell you?" Niall asks.

"What do you think?" I reply. I sit on the couch, and run my fingers through my hair, "I think I'm going to call El, you can try talking to her. I think she likes you more." 

"I'm pretty sure she doesn't like anyone right now," Niall laughs.

"You're probably right mate. I just want to make it better, things were just starting to get normal, and now she's upset and won't tell me why." 

"I'll go talk to her."

Niall POV

I knock softly on Miley's door.

"Who's there? Actually, I don't give a damn who's there, just go away." Miley responds.

"Miley, I want to see my girlfriend, and you're making it awfully difficult with a closed door," I say.

"Well, sorrrrry," She's being stubborn, so I'll be persistent. 

"Please," I wait for another minute, and she opens the door.

"Niall, I don't want to talk about it. Please, just trust me." I lean in and place a kiss on her lips. 


"So how was your day?"

"Uneventful, how was yours?"

"Nice try,"

"C'mon," I pleaded.

"No, Niall, it's late, can you just leave so I can go to sleep?" She says.


"Please Niall,"

"Fine," I gave in and left. Maybe she'll tell me tomorrow.

Miley POV

Niall left and I lay down on the bed, scrolling through instagram and twitter. I turn my phone off and lay awake on my bed. I check the clock and see that it's almost two in the morning. I can't fucking sleep. I slip out of bed, put on a hoodie and converses, and slip out the window. Yes my room is two stories up, but I have a ladder next to my window, how convenient. I start running towards the beach. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get there, but I keep running anyway. 

When I reach the beach, I'm out of breath. I lay down on the sand and stargaze.


My dad and I were stargazing. I was about 8.

"Miley, did you know that the sun is a star? It comes out during the day, and sleeps during the night. It's a special star."

"Why is the sun so bright, daddy? I asked him.

He replied, "It's purpose is to give the world light and the light gives the world hope." We continued to stargaze, and eventually a shooting star flew by, "Make a wish, Miley."

"I to be the sun, special and bright." He laughed. 


My wish came true, I became Hannah Montana. I smile and close my eyes.

"Figures you're out here too," I hear someone say, but it better not be who I think it is. I sit up, and sure enough there's Ross a few feet away.

"Why are you here, it's like 2:30 in the morning?" I say, annoyed.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replies.

"Not really,"

"C'mon are you really still mad at me."

"For which reason?" I say, and then pause, "Actually it doesn't matter because I'm mad at you for all of the reasons."

"What are these alleged reasons?" He smirks.

"It would take to long to explain to your tiny brain."


"Not really, it was probably the warmest thing I could say to you besides, goodbye." I get up and start walking back through the woods, but Ross follows. 

"Why do you hate me so much?"

"You haven't given me a good reason not to."

"That's not a reasonable answer."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I want to be friends."

"At the volleyball game it seemed like you wanted to be a little more than friends." I state.

"I won't deny that, but I decided that I'll settle for friends," He says.

"How generous," 

"I know,"

"Why'd you move in next to me?"

"The house was left to my family, and they were moving across the country and I didn't want to leave Cali,"

"Why'd you stay?"


"Like what?"

"Music, you,"

"Me? I thought you said you just wanted to be friends?"

"Didn't say that's all I wanted?"

"I'm tired," I yawn. Ross picks me up easily, and carries me. I don't remember anything else because I fell asleep.


When I wake up the next morning, I'm in a strange room. It's not in my house. I slowly sit up, and see someone sleeping on the floor. It's Ross. What happened last night? I quietly move off of the bed, being careful not to wake Ross. I find my shoes next to the bed and put them on. I walk over to my house and slip back through my window.

Life, Love, and a Lot of Craziness  (Secrets, Songs, and Sweethearts sequel)Where stories live. Discover now