5. Unbelievable!

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Miley POV

We won the second game so we didn’t have to play the last one, and I was glad cause I was exhausted.

“Hey, pretty girl.” Niall said, sneaking up behind me.

“Geez, Niall there’s a thing called creepy, and you’re pretty darn good at it.” I replied.

“Ouch, my own girlfriend thinks I’m creepy.”

“But I still love ya. The question is do you love me enough to give me a ride on your back to the car?”

“Hop on, m’ lady.” I giggle, as I jump onto his back.

“Onward pony.” I turn around and wave to my teammates, as we pass, “Bye guys.”


I ride back to the house with Niall. When I get inside, I sit down in the hallway.

“What are you, a roadblock?” Harry questions, from behind. I turn my head to reply.

“Actually, I’m a tired, sore little pop star that wants a ride to her bedroom.” I say.

“Well, you got two legs, use them.”

“I’m too lazy.”

“Sounds like a personal problem.” He walks away, and I slowly crawl up the stairs. When I get up to my room, I get on the bed, and immediately fall asleep. I wake up again at 3:00pm. I slowly roll over, and that’s when I realize just how sore I am. It had been a while since I’d played volleyball, and I was feeling every second of it.

“Ow.” I say, as I get up. I go into the bathroom, and take a nice warm shower.


Afterwards, my muscles feel better, and I feel refreshed. I put on a t-shirt and shorts. I brush my hair, and throw it into a messy bun. I make my way downstairs; I slide down the banister, and almost fall from the impact of the landing. The only thing that stopped me was Liam at the bottom of the stairs.

“Thanks.” I mutter.

“No problem.” He replies.

“Where’s Louis?”

“Out with Eleanor, but he told me to tell you that you should start packing.”

“I have to go all the way back upstairs?” I groan.

“Yes, but I’ll help you.” He sweeps me up into a princess carry, and takes me to my room.

“Thanks, Liam.”  After he drops me off, I just lay on my bed. I finally decide to check my phone for messages. 5 new messages. I tap the first one. It’s from Rose.

R: OMG, I have big news. You need to get your butt over here so I can tell you it!!! Can’t wait to see you J

M: Why can’t you just tell me now?

R: Because then it’s not a surprise.

M: It’s not a surprise when you tell me it’s a surprise.

R: Fine, Jason’s dating BAILEE MADISON


R: Ikr? It’s kinda cute, and kinda weird. I’ll tell you more when you get here.

M: Okay. I guess I’ll see ya soon then :p

R: Well, bye.


I closed out that message, and opened the next one. It was from Simon.

S: Nice win.

M: Thanks

S: I heard you and Ross had a conversation about the “past”

M: How the hell could you know that?

S: Camera caught it


S: It’s been aired on three channels so far.

M: OMG what if Niall see’s it?

S: I can’t help you Miley

M: I’ll just hope he doesn’t

I let out a frustrated scream, and put my head in my hands. I couldn’t bring myself to look at the other messages. I just sat there. I don’t know what I’d do if Niall saw that. There is a knock on the door, I go to open it, but stop when I catch my reflection in the mirror. I see tears dried on my cheeks. I quickly clean my cheeks before opening the door. I open the door, and let Louis in.

“Uh, hey.” I say.

“I came to see what you were up to.” He said.

“I was just, uh, checking messages.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Of course.”

“You know you’re a terrible liar.”

“And yet you never found out that I was Hannah.” I saw him tense when I say that. Ever since the awards, Louis has been edgy with me and whenever Hannah is mentioned he gets tense. 

“That’s not the point.”

“What if it is? You don’t even care about me anymore.”

“Yes I do.” He said, raising his voice.

“You don’t trust me anymore, and if you gave a damn about me you would.” I emphasized the curse word knowing it would bother him… which it did.

“Well, you haven’t given me any reason too.”

“Why should I? If you really treated me like your sister than you wouldn’t mind and love me anyway.”

“I’m your guardian, yes I want a reason and I deserve one.”



“I said no.”

“Don’t argue with me.”

“Last time I checked you started the argument.”

“I’m not so sure about that, but I’m sure that I’ll finish it. You’re grounded for a week end of discussion.”

“Why? I didn’t do anything.”


“You’re so unfair.”

“Life isn’t fair.”

“That doesn’t mean you have to help with the unbalance.”

“You can either, stop arguing with me, and give me your phone. Or you can continue to argue and I can extend the grounding.” He said.

“Fine.” I handed him my phone.

“Good, now dinner is in an hour, and you will join us.”

“So you’re grounding me and forcing me to do things unwillingly. Basically, I’m your child and you are the unreasonable parent.”

“Something like that.”

“Well, I’m not coming down to dinner.”

“We’ll see about that.” With that, he left, leaving me in my room, alone. He doesn’t even try to understand me. He’s unbelievable!



Life, Love, and a Lot of Craziness  (Secrets, Songs, and Sweethearts sequel)Where stories live. Discover now