Chapter 1

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"beep, beep, beep" I heard my alarm ring but I turned it off. I'll just wake up with the next alarm. i always set like five to six alarms to get me up I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. I so do not  want to wake up, I just need ten more minutes I swear.

"Oh shit" I jolted awake from the loud ringing on my phone

"Hello?" I answered the phone without looking at it was.

"Kalin, I thought you were coming back to work today?" It was Sara my personal assistant and also best friend.

"I am Sara, but it's still six in the morning why the hell would you call me so early?"

"Kalin! I swear to God it's 9 o clock, get your ass in here" she basically yelled at me.

"Dammit! I must've slept through my alarm. Okay I'll drive and be there in ten minutes" I said putting my phone on loudspeaker and jumping out of bed to get ready.

"You'll drive?!" she asked sounding horrified. I was well known as a bad driver all i had really was a learner's permit I never really had time to perfect my driving skills.

"What? I'm not that bad I'll be fine"

"ha ha don't lie to yourself. It's not you I'm worried about, there are other people using the road ya know!"

"Fine! I'll get an uber" I said ending the call. I decided to skip showering and just throw on a bra and dress. I showered last night I'll be fine. I saw that my uber was a minute away so I threw my hair in a bun and grabbed my purse.

I finally arrived at work with Sara who welcomed me with my hot chocolate. I know what your'e thinking- which adult drinks hot chocolate. I hate coffee its so damn bitter I don't know how people do it. 

"Oh yeah the meeting you were supposed to have at 10 was actually moved to 9.30" Sara said to me while we were walking over to the meeting office.

"I have to tell...."

"Tell me after the meeting i'm already super late" I interrupted Sara and opened the door of the meeting office. I was not expecting some man presenting at the front of the room so i decided to stand in the back so i dint disturb and no one even noticed my entrance. The man had all of their attention.

"So as you see from the presentation you can trust us to throw a wonderful event. Thanks for coming" The man said with a smile. I had to admit he was kind of hot but that was not the point. Who the hell was that man and why is he doing my job. everybody that was there for the meeting started to leave.

"wait where is everybody going" I shrieked to no one in particular. I guess the meeting was over as the room became empty leaving me the green eyed man and Sara.

"who the fuck is he?" I growled to Sara gesturing to the man.

"Hi my name is Harry, Harry Styles. I am your new partner"

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