Wileven au

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a/n: the ship would be cute if they ever actually had face to face, real life interaction/ btw most of these will be au's because since they're crackships, it's hard to us the original timeline without building up a storyline, and these are one shots.

Hawkins High School, the high school of either your dreams or nightmare. Your heaven or hell. The place that will make or break your future. The place where most of your life's drama will go down. Now William Byers and Jane-Elle Hopper are adding to the drama. They hate each other. The thing is, there is no valid reason for them to hate each other. They were friends through childhood, their parents, Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper have been friends since middle school. It just doesn't add up. There's only one slightly logical explanation, jealousy. Elle had started dating Michael Wheeler back in eighth grade. All the time that had been for Elle and Will, became for Elle and Mike. For Will it had gone from sadness, to jealousy, to hatred. Elle felt abandoned by Will. She felt like he stopped being there for her. When she and Mike had their first argument, all she got was a," That's too bad." It went from that to, okay, to no response at all. S he eventually stopped telling him all together. 

When Elle and Mike finally cut the ties, for good, they both it would restore what they once had. After all, that's why she broke up with him. She felt an 'empty' place in her heart, that once belonged to Will. Nobody but him could fill that void.There was something with Will that she never felt with Mike. She couldn't just rub it off as an effect of their long friendship. It was something that would cause her and Mike to break up by itself. Nothing happened at first, they still weren't talking. 

Will heard about the break-up around school. He thought it was another one of those petty arguments that lead to a week of separation, then they would get back together. After a whole week, they still weren't together. Another week passed, still no news about them getting back together. Will felt relieved, he was expecting this to happen. But he couldn't help but feel guilty. He could tell he had to tell some aspect of it had to do with him and Elle. He had loved her. Since they were children. Romantically. He somewhat got over her. He's tried having girlfriends, but they never lasted more than a week. He didn't love them. They were his rebounds, just to take his mind off her.

One day Will was walking out of school to go home. Elle saw this as her opportunity to make things right. 

"Will," the girl called out quietly.

He turned around and saw her. Will had changed in appearance, at least since they've talked. He was taller, he lost the bowl cut, his hair was more of a reddish brown, his eyes were shifting between the green and hazel they were. 

She grabbed his wrist and pulled him into another hallway.

"I'm sorry," she begins starting to sob," I didn't give you my time. I let a boy get in between what we had. I thought I loved him. I forced myself to. I love you Will."

She rests her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry Elle. I let jealousy get the best of me. I didn't mean to be rude. I love you, I never stopped, and I'll never stop."

He hugs her back. Eventually they lets go.

"I-I have to go," Will stammered.

He started walking away. Elle thought for a second. This is her first chance, and may be her last. She runs up to him, grabs his jacket, and softly pushes him back onto the lockers. She plants her lips against his. He was tense and hesitant at first. He couldn't believe it. He didn't think it was really happening. He eventually kissed back. The kiss, it was long. They finally pulled away. Their lips were tingling and slightly swollen. They both look down the hallway and see Lucas. He winks at the, probably hinting he saw that, then walked away. They laughed.

This was the re-birth of a friendship. And the birth of a beautiful relationship.

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