Chapter 6: Constellations

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Dinner came and went, leaving Eve to her own devices afterwards. Nerdanel did something with the rambunctious twins, insisting they sleep (which she later realized was not like her own definition). Afterwards she saw nothing of her new companion, and neither Nelyo nor Káno stayed after supper. Fëanáro disappeared soon after as well, muttering something to himself about rings and jewels, and letting Nerdanel know he'd be out awhile longer.

So it was that Eve meandered around their large living area, trying and failing pitifully to keep herself busy. She found she missed the feel of a smartphone in her hand, the physical weight as much as the stimulation. She missed her earbuds that let her enjoy music, and she missed the constant buzz of a tv. Looking back on it, Eve felt rather proud for lasting as long as she did: five hours. After the fifth hour of boredom, she left the house by a back door and found herself in a garden of white and light blue blossoms shaped like stars.

Behind the house there stood a short wall of expertly cut stone, and then the back of what she assumed correctly to be another house. This wall stood a ways away though, and she didn't feel threatened by it. Water flowed over a large fountain, shaped in the likeness of a white tree, and the sound of the water played like the music she missed so much. As she looked up, she stood still in shock. A million little stars twinkled across the sky, shining through the din of a blanket of peaceful silver light. The ambient light seemed brighter than anything the moon would give off and yet those stars far above did not fade in the slightest. They pierced through the light effortlessly.

Eve didn't even mean to form words, but out spilled one. "Wow."

She sensed rather than heard someone behind her. Perhaps the figured breathed a bit too deeply, but something ticked her off so she spun around, snapped out of her trance.


He sighed and shook his head. "Moryo." He corrected her quickly, and she apologized. He wore a loose black shirt with a golden belt and pants of black also. A golden clip with crimson gems held his hair back. "Would you tell my mother that I brought gifts for the Ambarussa. I have left them on the table."

She quickly nodded. "Sure, no worries."

He furrowed his brow in confusion. "You certainly are odd."

"Sorry," she muttered. Eve downcast her eyes, suddenly extremely self conscious beneath the critical gaze of the elf before her.

"Believe me, it is not necessarily a bad thing," he shrugged, desperately trying not to appear curious. "Far too many elves here lack interesting lives."

She did not respond instead shrugging and giving a slight nod more of deference than agreement. She had no frame of reference for what he spoke of. She expected him to go away, but he didn't.

He glanced from her to the stars and sighed to himself, muttering. But at last he walked to stand next to her and pointed upwards. "That grouping there, the seven great stars? That is known as the Valacirca."

"Odd," she murmured. "We have one similar where I'm from. Ursa Major.

He looked at her in surprise. "Truly? Then perhaps your world shares some commonality with ours. For the stars are considered powerful here, and that we share them may have significance." Then he paused and looked back at the sky. "Perhaps Ilúvatar allows the skies to remain the same because of the power that lies there."

"We have one called Orion, too." She nodded, trying to recall her knowledge. "He's supposed to be some kind of fighter. That's the only other one I can find in the sky. His belt has three stars together in a line."

Again he faced her in shock. "You must speak of Menelmacar." With a rueful smile he shook his head. "Truly the fact that our skies share the two most precious constellations must be a sign. Though I fear I cannot decipher it."

"How do you all know so much about everything," Eve asked with a chuckled a moment later. "Stars, languages, music!"

Moryo shrugged. "The Noldor, for that is the clan of Eldar that we are, enjoy study and learning above all else. Why? Did you not?"

She laughed. "That's a loaded question. I went to college because that's the only way to get a job, or at least my dad told me that. But considering he and Mom ran an art store without more than an associate's degree, I hardly believe him." When she saw the confused and irritated look on Moryo's face, she apologized. "Sorry. I'm not good at this."

"I desire to understand how you speak and what you mean. It is intriguing," he admitted quickly. "But clearly I lack the patience. What is college?"

"That's where we, human beings, people, go to finish their education. We learn advanced knowledge there." Once Eve remembered the slow down and explain, she knew how to communicate. It was harder to slow down than she had initially suspected though. "We earn, through learning, degrees which allow us to do certain things."

"Like learning a trade, then?" Moryo nodded to himself. That he understood. "My father has taught all of my brothers his trade. We work in the forges."

"Your brother Káno mentioned music, though." Eve looked at him as they stood there basking in the glory of the stars. "Where do you learn that?"

"There are tutors. Káno had outgrown them all by the time I came into this world." Moryo watched as Eve yawned and her eyes drooped. "I think, perhaps, you are still recovering from your ordeal. You require rest."

She folded her arms in frustration. From Moryo she got answers, and though she greatly enjoyed the company of the others, she had not had a chance to figure out more about this Valinor. And yet she knew he spoke correctly. Already she felt her body tiring beyond even what she was used to from pulling all-nighters during finals week.

Moryo threatened to push her indoors. She shook her head, assuring him she could go on her own. And so they both went inside, leaving the dark and silver tinged sky behind them. Moryo bid her goodnight before leaving his parents' house to return to his own. Eve, trudging down the hallway with heavy feet, undressed quickly and put on her white gown that she had first awoken in. On her wrist remained the blue and gold bracelet.

She looked at it. It reminded her deeply of another bracelet she had worn. Tears stung at her tired eyes before she shut them tight. Once the threat of crying left her, Eve lay down. After several moments, a strange unbidden thought entered her mind. Eve desperately wanted a stuffed animal. She had seen several at the market and decided, however embarrassing it might be in the moment, she'd have to ask one of her new companions to take her again for one.

She also realized she'd need money. True, her foster family were literal royalty, but she didn't exactly feel comfortable relying on them. And yet she didn't have enough skill in anything to truly help. With those disconcerting thoughts, she shut her eyes again, this time for slumber.

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