A Thank You

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My dearest readers and favorite humans (behind only Sebastian Stan), we have come to the final part of A Different Kind of Heaven, and my final gift to you before drama starts. That's right... drama... in the form of everyone's (er... mine at least) favorite villain.

I have now shown you the introduction to the Silmarils, and what more could I offer you?

I mean, I'm sure y'all have a wish list.... like an Evedekáno wedding....

Too bad. That, if it is ever to come, must wait awhile.

But in all honesty, I am sincerely, incredibly grateful for the support I have been shown by my readers here. I wanted to recognize all of you, because you're all beautiful people. And after the feels-trip and genuine heartbreak I went on/through while rewatching Season 1 of The Night Shift, I need some goodness in my life. So here it is:

ThatOneWriter2001 - The OG Evedekáno shipper. The first supporter of A Different Kind of Heaven. The first to do fan art (though I haven't released it yet because COME ON EARWEN FINISH IT AND LET ME). The best (tied with Rachel) late night plot-discuss-er. The padawan. I can't say enough thanks to you.

GilmerilIthillien - One of the most enthusiastic Evedekáno shippers. I absolutely cherish your comments, and looked forward to them every chapter! I can't wait to see the great comments in the next book!

TolkienFan43 - "Late to the game" you often say. Fashionably late, more like ;) I am so glad you found this story and watching you read the chapters and comment has given me a ton of joy. Hope/Can't Wait to see you in the next one!

v3Olympus - A CARRY OVER. v3 I love seeing you in all my stories, Fëanoriel Chronicles AND here in the Airequalmë stories. You are SO supportive which means the world. Thank you for your kind words about this story, and I can't wait to hear from you more in all the stuff I write.

siriusly_artistic769 - Let me say that first of all, your comments CRACK ME UP. All of them. They are basically exactly my reactions too. I hope you continue on to the next story, and continue to drop the most amazing reactions.

LeeannMor4 - Your writing always inspires me to do better, so I am so thrilled you read and enjoyed this story! Your comments, as I've said of others, continue to keep me inspired and I enjoy them endlessly. I hope you continue to enjoy and leave me your words of wisdom!

MarvelKenley - Another new-er face. Your comments lately have made me laugh and cry along with you (and if I cry it's mostly from laughter let's be real). When you asked me if you could do fan art I nearly squealed (actually... I definitely did internally, but it was night and I was heading to bed so I had to be quiet). So glad you finally caught up to my posts, and I CANNOT wait to see you in the next one.

AcrossTheRio - So glad you made your way over here from FFN! Your sassy comments as of late have made me chuckle xD and you reviews over on FFN have meant SO MUCH because people don't review on there so I'll take all of them! SHIPSHIPSHIPSHIP wooooo.

SheWhoArisesinBeauty - Another of my PRECIOUS carry over readers. You are so precious to me especially because you started with The Fëanoriel Chronicles and yet made your way over to this one too, not tired of my shenanigans and writing in general. Thank you SO MUCH Lindorie.

autumn_sunfire - You finished it! Ah I'm so excited you enjoyed it, and you're firmly entrenched in the Evedekáno Hype Train™. Thanks for your eager comments and hilarious Shipping fun. Glad you made your way to A Different Kind of Purgatory, too. Thanks Verity!

THANKS ALSO TO my constant voters and sometimes comment-ers:






A thank you to my ghost readers too. I hope you pop in, vote, and continue along with me in book two. Book Two's first chapter should be published in a few moments of this chapter going up. I invite you to head on over there and enjoy the show.

 I invite you to head on over there and enjoy the show

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