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Rules Title Must be Lit -I hate that word and fuck you to whomever came up with it Can't Refuse
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-Thank you, Rohan Kishibe Must be done in a week -Sure, I'm doing it now No Replying to comments -Fuck you, I'm breaking that rule because it's stupid.
Time to get into the real meat of this 1. I'm pretty sure I have superpowers. When I was super young I was able to see ghosts and now I can flicker my eyes super fast after I nearly OD'd on my inhaler. 2. I turn 15 on November 1st, making me younger than yunofangirl . Huh. At least I'm taller by 2 inches HA! 3. My family used to think that I had Asperger's Syndrome when I was about the age where I could see ghosts (aka 3-4). This was mainly due to the fact that I didn't like physical contact and loud noises bugged the shit out of me. Turns out I don't and I'm just socially inept. 4. My favorite anime is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and I've been trying to get yunofangirl and Fiestakitten to watch it. Unfortunately, neither have. SOON THEY WILL. 5. I have many nicknames. -Trey because I'm the third in the line of Paul Ollarsaba's -Zero which is more of an alternative name for my acting career -Ghost because I'm often unnoticeable and my high school friends are amazing -Paulie because I need to be distinguished from my father And many others that aren't important enough to list 6. I'm the third in my line. If I have a son I am not naming him Paul and will go to Raiden (pronounced RY-din) because Raiden is a badass name and Paul is boring 7. I'm a professional actor. That doesn't mean I'm good but I am getting paid to be an edgy teenager. 8. I'm into role play if it's not the kinky kind. In fact, I have two roleplay blogs on Tumblr because I'm fucking pathetic. Feel free to send asks to @stando-powa if you're a Jojo fan or @hunters-must-hunt if you're a Bloodborne fan. 9. I have a love-hate relationship with love songs (ironic). I hate the newer kinds aka past 2000 but I can't help but sing them to a special someone and I absolutely adore some of the new age love songs and love songs from the 80's and 90's. I'm saying this as an edgy metal head. 10. I'm in love with someone. Not telling who that fine lady is *cough* even though it's obvious *cough*. 11. I am not good at anything help someone make me feel worthwhile I don't like being worthless 12. I have been told my fingers are cute, I took this the absolute dirtiest way possible. To be fair, I do have slender digits. 13. I own a black cat named Riley because I hate "pet" names. Honestly, Riley is a massive bitch (like someone else we know, right Fiestakitten ?) But I trained her that way and otherwise she's docile.
Tag 15 people Do I even have 15 people who read this and not my other stories? Whatever. I tag anyone who wants to do this, I don't give a fuck anymore.