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1. Height I'm 5'4". I'm so short help. 2. Weight I'm kinda self conscious that I haven't broken 100 pounds yet. I'm 97.6 pounds. 3. Shoe Size Sizes are all different here because of the cunts at Nike so I'd say I'm around the 7 area 4. Virgin I'm 14, yes I'm a virgin. 5. Ever Smoked? No, and I don't want to. Shit fuck's up your lungs and breath and I need those things. 6. Crush? You guys already know this. Why am I being forced to answer this? But they already know! No, I won't say it. I don't have to, fuck you! Fine. *large inhale* MY CRUSH IS yunofangirl THERE I FUCKING SAID IT. 7. Middle Name It's Xavier (pronounced like Javier) 8. Have tattoos No 9. Want tattoos God yes, specifically the Hunter's Mark (from Bloodborne) on my upper left arm. It'd be so cool. 10. Ever Drank? Not in a long while. I'll leave it at that. 11. Best Friend? Online it's yunofangirl my offline best friend doesn't use Wattpad as far as I'm aware. 12. Biggest Fear Being humiliated and hated as a result leading me to believe I'm just a burden on society and holding onto that until it bursts and I off myself as a result.
I need help. I am damaged. 13. Pet Peeve I know it sounds generic but loud, sharp noises like nails on a chalkboard or a flashbang grenade 14. Thing I hate about myself My jealousy, my complexion, my height, my weight, my personality...can I just say everything? 15. Thing I love about myself Nothing, I'm a useless sack of shit. 16. Relationship Status Umm, if I say "It's complicated" then everyone will think I'm having relationship troubles. Can you help me out yunofangirl ? Please? 17. Insecurities? I'm insecure about everything. 18. Favorite songs Enter Sandman by Metallica, WttJ by Guns and Roses, WttBP by My Chemical Romance, The entire Hamilton Soundtrack, The entire JJBA Soundtrack. 19. Music Style Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Emo Rock, Punk Rock 20. Favorite Number 616 because 666 is actually a mistranslation. 21. Favorite Dream? I don't really wake up in the middle of dreams so the only dreams I have are daydreams. 22. Last Thing I Ate? Little Caesar's Pizza 23. Last Text I Recieved It was from my mother. I was telling her that my sister lost her tooth and she asked if it was knocked out because we're at our father's 24. Person I hate Everyone. I hate indiscriminately. Some more than others, some less. I hate everyone except for one person. You know who it is. 25. First Kiss I'm embarrassed to say I haven't had mine. I hope to change that over the summer. 26. Childhood Confession I don't know. There was a time in Kindergarten where a girl kissed my hand. I didn't like her but she had a massive crush on me. 27. Dream Date Snuggled up on a chair, wrapping ourselves in a tight blanket, and watching anime together. Ahh, perfect. Room for things to get lewd or romantic. 28. Ever Cut Yourself No but I've been dangerously close. 29. Hospitalized? No 30. Suspended? No 31. Expelled? No 32. Samesex Marriage I support it. Honestly if you don't I see no reason why you shouldn't. I just won't scream it down someone's throat. 33. Opinion on Haters If they have no reason to do it then they need to get off of their chair, clean themselves up and go to the gym for once. If they have a reason like most Jake Paul, Logan Paul and Ricegum haters then they're okay. 34. Opinion on Animal Abuse Should I even have to say it? If you abuse animals you are the scum of the Earth and deserve to die like how you killed animals. 35. Childhood Memory I can't remember shit but there was a time when I met my best friend in first grade. We're still friends 8 years later. 36. Favorite Place My mom's house. 37. Father's Name Paul 38.Nickname Zero, Ghost, Paulie, Trey, Douchebag, Asshole, Cunt. Just call me whatever the fuck you want. 39. Worst Nightmare I've told you guys my Panic Attack Story in a previous chapter. Read it.