I haven't even updated you guys on my life yet. But here I am. Thanks for tagging me, KaitKat!
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1. Your Current Lock Screen
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It's me and my friends about to do dipshit stuff 2. Current Home Screen
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It doesn't have the watermark, but I really like Persona and RWBY 3. Your Current Ringtone See the funny thing about iPhone is that they're really stingy with customization. My ringtone is the basic one. 4. Current Battery Percent 87% at the time of start 5. Current anime you're watching I haven't actually watched much recently because I'm busy. However, I still watch Jojo's and am playing Persona 5 which is just an anime game 6. Device used for this I use my iPhone, like a normal person 7. Thing you regret doing There's soooo much. So much, in fact, that I can put it IN SONG!
*to the tune of Can-Can* Staying up for two straight days And trying to make a soufflé! Punching my friend in the face Auditioning for my school plays!
GREEK-VA-CA-TION not a regret but still cool! AL-LE-GA-TIONS That girl I know is still a tool! BI-KING TO-SCHOOL My face is always burning up AS-PIR-A-TIONS Why do I always give up???
I should maybe see a therapist Or a psychiatrist Someone to help me problems but you see My pride abandons me Every time I end up finally Getting something right
8. Your Zodiac Sign ♏️ Scorpio 9. Object Obsession I don't really have any object obsessions. I have people obsessions. As I'm sure some people can attest... 10. Favorite Quote Oh man I have a ton of these. But I'll pull a couple. WARNING: EDGY
"If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight just like I always have!" -Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic '06
"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me" -NPC, Fallout: New Vegas
"To become God is the loneliest achievement of them all" -Obama, A dream from tumblrwhiskey's mother
Of course I tag anyone. But I wanted to specifically mention yunofangirl cause she tagged me and this was the only way I could really thank her. ———————————————————————— Man, the world is crazy, huh? We live in a day and age where a kid from Arizona can meet another kid 5,000 miles away at the touch of their fingers. Yet, even despite all of that, they can still feel like the loneliest people in the universe.
Ain't that a bitch...
I do voice acting commissions now. If you have any spare cash and a Paypal, I'll say something for you. Prices vary based on what I say and how long I talk. I am willing to negotiate.
I've been playing a lot of Persona 5 recently. I've now entered the mid game...70 hours in. This game is LONG. I love it anyway.