Late: Kirk x Reader

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You toss around in bed, a beeping sound disrupting the silent peace, "Three more minutes, mom..." You mumble, knocking over the beeping noise without opening your eyes. A skill you've gained through your days in the academy. Suddenly you shot up, throwing off the covers and picking up the beeping device. You had thrown your communicator to the floor, "Ah shoooott!" You whisper-shouted, flipping open the communicator and giving a quick, "Lietenant (L/N) to bridge, this is Lietentnt (L/N) here," in your best awake voice.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok? You didn't answer your communicator and I was about to send Bones after you!" A worried voice hummed out of the device. It belonged to the one and only Captain Kirk, protecter of your ass apparently...

"Yes, I'm fine, just slept through the noise. Very sorry, sir!" You say at attention while quickly trying to get changed.

"Oh good," He seemed to calm down, "You're late to your shift. I would like for you to get there as soon as possible," The captain put his serious voice on. As threatening as it was, he didn't really scare you. Sure he was this big scary adult man, but really he was a big teddy bear. You would know, you've been dating eachother in secret for the past six weeks.

"Yes sir, will do," You said into the communicator, flipping it shut as you slid your last boot on. Slipping your communicator into your belt, you straightened your blue dress and speed walked down the halls toward sickbay.


"Where the hell were you, nurse!?" McCoy snapped at you as you burst into sickbay. He didn't wait for your answer as he stuffed a padd into your hands and grumbled off to his office. Reading through it, you could see three patient names, "Patient one, Ensign Nick Yest: shattered knee cap, patient two Commander Rye Garlet: chemical burns, patient three... Captain James Kirk, needs to be caught up on yearly hypos and checkups," You giggled a bit at your boyfriend's reason and started to treat the Ensign. He layed down in his bed just staring at the ceiling. When you walked over, that caught his attention.

"Hello honey, can I get some pain meds? My knee's killin' me..." The ensign asked calmly, absolute torture in his eyes. He had a slight Southern accent, like Bones, very noticeable as he surrendered slowly to the pain. Security, most likely. The ensign was wearing sickbay clothes so you couldn't tell his position but only security personnel could feel true pain and try to remain calm like that. Quickly, you scurried to get a hypo with some pain relievers in them and injected it into the Ensign. Nick sighed in satisfactory relief as the pain started to go away quickly, "Thanks, sweetie. I owe you one." Nick groaned and finger gunned you ironicly.

"I'm just doing my job," You smiled softly at him and walked off to help the second patient after waiting for the Ensign fall asleep. Sleep meds and pain meds go together perfectly.


Last patient... James Kirk. You smiled to yourself as you walked up to the captain's chair, a slight bounce in your step. You had formulated the perfect plan to trick Jim into sickbay.

"Hello Lieutenant (L/N)! Good to see you up," Jim said as you walked onto the bridge, the hissing of the turbo lift alerting him of your presence.

"Thank you captain," you start, things coming out perfectly off your tounge, "say Captain, McCoy needs you in sickbay. Something needs to be looked at that can't be brung up here," you say smiling innocently. The captain stood up from his chair and followed you into the turbo lift.

"So, what is it Leitenant?" Kirk asked, looking over at you.

"Oh just a new kind of medicine needing approval!" You stated, playing with your hair until the turbo lift stopped. Jim nodded as he followed you into sickbay and into Bones's office.

"Oh hello Jim, what a surprise," McCoy gasped sarcastically, barely looking up from his reports. Jim looked at you with confusion. When he realised what was happening, it was too late. He was stabbed with a hypospray, causing him to flinch and allowed to be taken to bed for more hypos and a checkup. You cheered victoriously, pumping you're fist in the air after he was seated.

"I hate you, (Y/N)," Jim grumbled at you as you smiled slyly and recorded his bicycle exercise data. He went back to siting normally as the exercise ended, catching his breath.

You gave him a small peck on the cheek, "No you don't," Jim couldn't keep a mad face with you and broke out in small laughter.

"My quarters after our shifts?" He asked, smirking. You looked up at him from your report and smiled widely.

"It's a date" You giggle, holding Jim's hand as you lead him out of sickbay.

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