Stuck: Chekov x Reader

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Waking up was a chore. Dragging myself out of bed was the hardest part. I tugged away the sheets and swung my legs over the edge and onto the cold floor. Groaning, I pulled myself over to my closet and opened it slowly. I didn't have much choice, this five year mission was a job, so I tugged out a red dress and threw it on my bed. I changed into the short red dress and moved into the bathroom. Glaring at myself in the mirror, I combed my (h/l) (h/c) hair and did light makeup. I quickly checked my watch... I'm going to be late, GREAT! Oh, that woke me up! I rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed my padd. Rushing out of my quarters, I barely noticed someone joining me in my speed walk to engineering, "Hi Pavel, how's it going?" I asked, slightly looking at him while we both accelerated to a jog. I may have a small crush on him. I tell myself it'll pass, but it never does.

"Hewlo, (Y/N)," Pavel chuckled. His face was red from jogging and his breathing we becoming uneven, but we kept going. There was no more time for conversation as we entered engineering.

"Where 'ave ya two bean?" Scotty asked as we both came in. I looked over to Scotty peeking out from behind some panels. He's one of the only people on this ship who knows of my crush on the small Russian; He teases me for it every chance he gets.

"Sowwy Meester Scott," Pavel started, his face still red from jogging, "Ve got caught up in somezing!" That wasn't a complete lie, I guess. Luckily, my advisor didn't ask further...

"Alright, get ta work then," Scotty chuckled as he got back to his panel. Thank god. I shuffled over to my station and read my padd for my assignment. Sickbay needs their temperature fixed, the bridge's navigation panel needs readjustment, the turbo lift could use an upgrade, and I need to record what happened once i'm done with those jobs.


I exit sickbay with my tools in hand and a smile on my face. Boy, that was easy! I reach the turbo lift to go to the bridge. Hey, why not upgrade the lift now? I enter the device and open up a panel near the door. I stick my head in and look around for the... The thing I need... What was the thing called? I'm interrupted by someone entering the turbo lift and tripping over my legs. The sudden jolt causes me to touch the wrong wire and the doors slam shut. Wonderful.

"So-Sowwy!" The voice cries. I pull out of the panel to yell at the person who tripped, only to find a flustered Pavel on the floor. I sigh deeply.

"It's quite alright, Pavel," I sigh. I stand up and press a button to open the doors. They don't open. Amazing. It was not 'quite alright'.

"Do- do you need help?" Pavel asked, crawling over to me. I giggled lightly at out closeness. I could feel his steady breath next to me and the steady hum of the ship's engines hardly covered the sound of his heart. How close was he, exactly? He was on his knees while I was on my stomach, him hovering over me. His chest was brushing my head at every even breath he took. I looked up into his shining eyes. His curly blond hair poofed around so elegantly. Maybe-, "(Y-y/n)?" I was snapped out of my thoughts my Pavel staring down at me. His bright blue orbs meeting my (E/c) ones.

"Y-yeah? Oh, sorry," I stuttered nervously, just realising how close we were, "Yeah, I-I could use your help." I responded. He smiled down at me and I blushed lightly. Why did he have to be stuck in here with me?

"Ok. I vill find ze problem and you vill call vor help," Pavel ordered. Why did he have to have that cute accent? It made me melt each time he spoke. I nodded quickly before wiggling out from underneath him and snaching my communicator from my tool bag. I flipped it open while Pavel dug into the panel.

"Lieutenant (L/n) to engineering, this is Lieutenant (L/n) to engineering," I said, trying to reach Scotty or someone. No use. The communicator let out a soft static noise until I closed it, frustrated, "What a treat!" I grumbled.

"I zink I found ze problem," Pavel muttered. His voice was muffled from his face being covered in wires, but you could still hear him. Pavel grabbed a tool and prodded at some bundle of wires. Suddenly, the lights turned off. I yelped and flung myself against the wall, startled.

"P-PAVEL!?" I squealed, curling into a ball. I wasn't afraid of the dark, I was just afraid of what could happen in the dark. The turbo lift could fall, the turbo lift could go up, the turbo lift could stop providing oxygen, something awkward could happ-

"Gah! (Y/n)! I'm zo sowwy!" Pavel yelled. It was pitch black, but I could hear the sound of metal clattering to the floor, followed by something hard hitting something metal with a thung and a string of Russian cusses. From my ball, I felt warm arms wrap around me. I didn't look up.

"Pavel..." I whispered shakily. What if nobody comes for us and we're trapped here-

"Yes?" Pavel responds. I feel his warm breath against my shoulder. I conclude my head is on his chest with my body between his legs. I press my face into his chest so I can hear his heartbeat. The sounds of organic life always calmed me down.

"Talk to me," I request. I just need to hear something. So he does. He doesn't say anything in particular and I don't respond. He just speaks to me and I somewhat listen. I whine and I hear his heartbeat increase. Huh.


It's been about twenty minutes and I'm tired. The mixture of the ship's white noise, Pavel's warmth, and the tightness of the hug is just calling me to bed. After awhile, I do fall asleep. I could deal with the consequences later. Before I am lulled into the trance of unconsciousness, I hear Russian whispers...

"Я люблю тебя, и я всегда буду," Pavel whispers into my hair. I then drift off. Lazily wondering what the hell he just said.

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