Jealous: Spock x Reader

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"Come on, Spock! It's only a few drinks!" You whine at the tall, emotionless half Vulcan.

"Vulcans do not drink," he stated in a monotone growl, glaring into your (E/C) eyes. You huffed and took your purse, walking out of Spock's quarters sassily. You would have shared quarters with your boyfriend if he didn't insist on keeping your relationship a secret. The excuse was boiled down to him not wanting to deal with Jim's teasing. Spock watched his door slide shut and he continued his work.

You weren't angry, just dissapointed. Spock had all the right to reject going to the ship's bar with you, it just bothered you that he didn't want to go with you. Forget it, you were angry. You reached the bar and entered it eagerly, ready to start with your friends, "Hey, (Y/N)!" Uhura called out to you, waving you over to the table she was at with Chekov, Scotty, Jim, and Sulu.

"Hello, everyone!" You giggle as the rest of the table waves and greets you. Chekov takes a big swig of something in his glass, "What're you drinking, Pavel?" Chekov looks over at you and smiles slyly.

"I hawe... No idea," he grins, looking into his empty glass. You could tell that Chekov was drunk.

"Whatever it is, I want some," You giggle as Scotty fills a shot glass of some. You sip it cautiously at first before finishing it off, motioning for Scotty to refill you. A few more rounds and you are absolutely wasted.

"Hey (Y/N)," Jim starts, as you look in his general direction. Everything's kinda blurry but you can still see well enough, "I might have to arrest you for firing upon another officer because you're so stunning," You smile goofily, whoo howdy how you love bad pickup lines, and make your way over to Jim, completely forgetting about something. Boyfriend? What boyfriend?


Spock starts to leave his quarters. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to let you go to a bar by yourself. He knows you're an impulsive drunk (don't ask). He makes his way to the bar at a moderate pace. Once the doors slide open, many things come to mind. The one that needed the most attention would be the fact you were making out with Jim. He speedwalks over to where Jim has you pinned against the wall. A burning sensation rises in his chest at the sight of Jim's arms wrapped around your waist, the waist that was his to touch. He pulls you two apart and pushes Jim against the table forcefully. Surprised, you didn't have time to react before he was leading you out of the bar and down the halls. Nothing really processed, but soon you were up against the wall again. This time, in Spock's quarters. His mouth collided with yours and you melted into his touch. Suddenly you remembered. Oooohhhh THAT boyfriend! Heat ran through your body as Spock pressed up against you, kissing you deeply, passionately, greedily. A warm blush crept up your cheeks as he pulled away, "Mine," he whispered in your ear. Soon, he was back to his familiar, logical self and took you back to your quarters. Though you were drunk beyond belief, you would remember the passion behind his jealously for years to come.

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