Stranded: Chekov x Male!reader

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prompt: you get stranded on a planet with pavel (& bones)

yo im back haha its been so long i knoww but im feeling really into pavel rn and just want some good feels. ya this is a male reader cus its basically a self insert with a (y/n) slapped on it


Of course the Enterprise had to break down in the middle of a mission on a deserted planet. When else would it? And of course it had to break down on my one mission with Pavel Chekov and Bones. Who else would I be stuck with?

If I had a nickel for every time the transporter broke down while I was on a mission with Pavel or Bones I would have two nickels. Which... Isn't that much, but its still weird it happened twice...

"Officer (Y/n) (L/n) to the Enterprise, we're going to need that transporter working stat," I growled into my communicator, side-eying the two officers who were scoping out the abandoned stone houses from the ruins nearby.

Chekov was looking into one of the windows while Bones was scoffing and yelling about how he was doing it wrong.

"Sorry, (Y/n), but Scotty says it's dangerous to beam you all up. Something about half n half and sludge," Kirk replied seconds later. I wanted to hear the regret in his voice, but I knew he was wearing that smug face he always has.

"Curse you," i muttered under my breath, sighing and continuing into the communicator, "Not funny. Tell Scotty to get the transporter working asap or I'll die on this planet to spite him."

"Yeah yeah, have fun (Y/n)," and with that, communication was ended. I groaned, closing my communicator and pressing my hand against my forehead.

Ah yes, classic fun, being stuck on an abandoned planet with a slightly cold average temperature with your Russian prince crush and a grumpy doctor. Classic. Fun.

"(Y/n)!" A very familiar voice called out from behind. I whipped around to see Pavel now inside the stone building with his torso hanging out, waving me over. Bones was still scoffing, but waved me over as well.

I jogged over, already regretting accepting going on this mission.

"(Y/n)! Ve found a wery suitawle house to sweep in untwil zhe transporter is fixed!" Pavel beamed, ushering me in through the window.

"It's the only house that isnt broken, filled with plants, bugs, or wildlife," Bones spoke up, uncrossing his arms to walk up behind me.

I jumped into the house through the window as Pavel had instructed me to do to see a small, dark, but suprisingly dry, stone covered house. The only light was coming from a small flashlight probably from Bones's medical pack. The flashlight illuminated two straw rectangles pressed up against opposite walls.

"Theres only two beds," Bones stated, captain-fucking-obvious that he is, "Well, im not sleeping with any of you so either you both take a straw bed or one of you sleeps on the floor."

Instinctively, I looked at Pavel, whos eyes were wide and mouth agape staring at Bones.

"конечно," Pavel whispers, but gives me a friendly smile.

"W- We dont have to share a bed if you don't want to-- I'll sleep on the ground," I rush out, already moving to find a nice place to lay down.

Pavel grabs my wrist, stopping me from leaving, "Nyet, nyet, ve can share," his half smile was pure and his eyes filled with the stars.

God he makes it so hard to suppress these feelings. His entire wholesome energy just makes me want to hold him tightly and kiss him gently. Maybe settle down on Earth and get a dog. Who knows-- I wanted to man up and tell him how I felt. The look he gave me made all those feelings blossom to the surface once more.

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