Spock x Male!Reader

516 18 4

this is a request from @dragon-lover-2024
!! content warning !! suggestive pon farr stuff

"This is a bad time to be emergency landed on a hostile island..." Spock thought to himself, thoughts already slipping, "Especially with... Him..."

He glared over at the commander, who was mindlessly tossing rocks out the cave entrance.

"Damn, i'm out of rocks," Commander (L/n) huffed, swiveling to prop himself against the rough cave wall.

Spock looked back out to the rainy forest as he felt his insides tingle.

This was a very bad time to be stuck with the commander. He had no idea what was going on with him... How could he? The average human male does not have any knowledge of the vulcan biology.

"Do you think Mccoy and the captain are doing ok? Out there?" (Y/n) asked, bringing Spock's attention back to him. Great. The only thing he didn't need was his attention centered on him.

"I am sure the captain and Dr. Mccoy are quite capable of finding shelter on a foreign planet," He kept his answer short and tried his best to ignore the commander from then, but he couldn't help himself but listen with his whole body. He tilted towards the boy, head tilted to the side, all without knowing.

"Yeah, but you know thats not what I meant, Spock," The commander laughed, and Spock look at him. (Y/n) was covering his hands with his mouth coyly with his legs brought up to his chest.

Spock's heart jumped and he straightened his posture, already feeling his pon farr start to begin.

"I-- I do not kno-w what you meant--" Spock stuttered out, standing up and quickly walking deeper into the cave, looking for a cold stone to sooth his hastily warming skin.

Spock heard the commander get up and start to follow behind him, "I meant are we going to be able to find them? Since we've crashed on this planet we haven't seen a sign of them! Which is weird because we crashed on the same ship--"

Spock turned around hastily and grabbed commander (L/n)'s biceps, "WILL YOU--," He saw the shock in the commander's eyes, "Will you... Please be quiet," He said, softer.

"Spock.. Are you doing ok?" commander (L/n) reached up to touch Spock's cheek, pausing when he feels the heat, "You look green... And you're so hot!"

"I can assure you, commander, that being green and having an elevated temperature is normal for a Vulcan," Spock almost growled, letting go of the commander and facing the cave wall.

"well, duh, everyone my year took foreign basics, I know that,"

"Then you should understand why I must be by myself," Spock closed his eyes, keeping himself under control.

"No I don--" it suddenly clicked for the commander, and he flushed red, "o-oh-"

Spock let himself feel embarrassed for the first time in his life. Sure, it is apart of Vulcan biology, but that doesn't stop it from being weird around humans.

He expected for Commander (L/N) to leave the cave or stop talking completely, but he felt the Commander's hand slide across his back and land on his shoulder.

"You need help with that~" the man said, resting his chin on Spock's other shoulder.

Spock jumped forward, control over his emotional state almost fully gone as he said in a shaky voice, "a-are you sure?"

Commander (L/N) put his hands on Spock's chest and replied, "Yes,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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