Creatives - Data x Male!reader

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prompt: drawing with data

reader is an ensign aboard the enterprise with a liking to both drawing and commander data. they both draw together

"data, what do you think of my drawing?" i pushed my paper drawing towards data so he could see it clearly-- not like he needed the help with those android eyes.

"very good, ensign, you have captured my face rather accurately," data replied, putting on a faux smile to tell me i did well. if he could smile genuinely, he would, but since he cant he feels the need to smile whenever he is giving praise as to not appear too critical. i appreciate the gesture and try not to remember that hes an android.

"thank you, data," i smiled and turned to look at data's painting, "i like yours! youve also captured my face rather accurately... i look hella focused."

"humans do tend to 'scrunch up' their faces when concentrating," data reminded me. a fact i didnt need, but appreciated regardless. i think its important to let him think outloud even if it gets slightly annoying.

"you also scrunch up your face when concentrating, data... you might be more human than you think!" i joked, slapping my paper down on the table and going back to sketching.

"impossible. i can not be any part human no matter how hard i try." he sounded confused. another way he seems more human without him trying.

"being human isnt just having lungs and organs. in that case worf would be just as human as i am!" i hummed, working on the intricacies of my sketch, "you have unconcious behaviors, just like any other living thing. just then you even sounded confused whether or not that was what you were trying to get across."

data thought on that for a moment before responding.

"you are correct, ensign... maybe there is more human parts of myself that i do not yet know about."

"exactly! you may not be able to sneeze or cough on instinct but you can scrunch your face while painting and speak with emotion in your voice and paint with creativity."

data hummed in agreement... or was that acknowledgment..? you truly never know with him until he tells you.

"speaking of-- i have finished my painting" i looked up at data to see him holding out his painting at me same i did to him.

it looked abstract yet realistic. the colors were very defined but my figure was detailed. it was as if data didnt want to miss a single marking on my face but still wanted a piece he could call his own. his own personal spin on reality. or is this how he sees in reality?

"its wonderful!" i breathed, standing up to look at it better, "im not one for realism, but i genuinely love this."

"i am pleased. i do think i will hang this in my quarters with my other paintings." data replied, placing the canvas back on the easel.

"i look forward to seeing it there" i smiled widely at data. and youd swear he was blushing from the way he turned around.

"what will you do with your drawings?"

"oh probably put them in my sketchbook as always."

"may.. i keep this page?" data asked as he began to pack up his painting supplies, "i would like to hang it up in my quarters as well"

now it was my turn to blush. what a sweetheart asking to hang my drawings of him in his room!

"of course, data, id love for you to keep it!" i replied, taking the page off the table and standing up next to data, "im flattered that you want to keep my art!"

"why wouldnt i?" innocent confusion laced his voice, "i enjoy your interpretation of me so its only logical i request to keep it in my room. while i can recall any memory at will, i prefer the human way of keeping tokens of good memories."

"thats the cutest thing youve ever said" i slapped datas shoulder playfully, "i like when you talk about this human stuff. really gives me a new appreciation for being human."

"i was unaware my mission to emulate human behavior was 'cute' to you," he stated.

"data, many things you do are cute to me," i sighed, placing the drawings of him next to his paint containers, "see ya data, my shift begins in a few!"

"goodbye" data whispered, looking down at the drawing. the latest sketch gazing up at him- a gentle smile etched onto its face. the same smile data had given in approval of the previous sketches.

his heart pounded with something new. affection, maybe?

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