Secret Admirer: Worf x reader

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(Y/N) POV:

You shyly slid down the corridor of the Enterprise. Your mission: To slip a note into Worf's work station. You looked down to read the small letter folded into four squares.

'Dearest Worf,
     I have always been fond of you since I was transferred to this ship. I admire your honor and strength as well as your caring personality.  If you wish to know who I am, I will give you clues. 1st clue, I have (Y/E/C) eyes.
     - Your secret admirer'

You typed and printed it so that Worf couldn't track you based on your hand writing. You were a security officer, so he would have documents of your writing. Silently, you praised yourself for being clever. Soon, you reached the turbo lift. In order to place the note at his station, you offered yourself for the 'night' shift.

"Hello, (Y/N)," A familiar voice spoke, causing a soft tingling sensation to form in your abdominal section. Worf walked past you, out the turbo lift and disappearing around a corner before you could reply. You stepped into the turbo lift, still a bit high from the encounter of Worf actually SAYING your name and commanded the turbo lift to bring you to the bridge.

Soon, the door slid open, revealing the bridge in all it's glory. Captain Picard, Commander Riker, Counselor Troi, Commander La Forge, and of course Worf were already replaced with their 'night' shift officers while Data was still at his console. It made sense since androids don't need sleep. You slinked over to your station and started work. Mostly just signing papers and such.


As your shift came to a close, you quickly slid the note onto the console screen, making sure nobody saw, and rushed towards the turbo lift. The door opened and, thankfully, only Commander Riker and Commander La Forge were in the lift. You entered as they exited and watched them as they moved to their stations before the door slid shut. The soft whurr the turbo lift made was tempting to fall asleep to, but you had to make it back to your quarters.

The lift doors opened to reveal Worf waiting for the lift. You felt your chest grow heavy while your stomach fluttered. You gave a sleepy smile, playing off the emotions inside, and waved at him. He just responded with a nod. Operation get home safely is a go! 1. Avoid conversation 2. Make it to your quarters without dying 3. Sleep.

As I hobbled down the corridor, I kept my eyes trained straight ahead of me. As people passed, they gave small nods of which I returned. Soon, I reached my quarters. 1 & 2, complete. Time for 3... I collapsed on my bed as soon as I heard the door shut and the ship's engines lulled me to sleep.


Worf's POV: 

I made my way out of my quarters and towards the turbo lift. This ship was big, but I knew it 'like the back of my hand' as a human would say. I subconsciously moved towards the lift, deep in my thoughts about human expressions and the English language in general.

My body stopped moving and I started paying attention. I pressed the button to call the lift and waited. It soon opened to an exhausted looking (Y/N). My heart sped up a bit when they gave me her sleepy smile and slight wave. I nodded my head, trying very hard not to pick up something and toss it straight towards them. Klingon tradition... I felt hot as we walked past each other. They was always so close, yet so far... Their arm slightly brushed mine as they walked past. I felt my face go hot; thankfully, (Y/n) didn't notice, they weren't looking back at me while I observed them walking away until the doors slid shut.

The doors opened again and I made my way to my station. Something was on my station... Paper? I picked it up and observed it. Folded. I unfolded it two times, until it revealed a letter. I was confused, but I didn't let it show. I read the letter with a stone face.

'Dearest Worf,
     I have always been fond of you since I was transferred to this ship. I admire your honor and strength as well as your caring personality.  If you wish to know who I am, I will give you clues. 1st clue, I have (Y/E/C) eyes.
     - Your secret admirer'

Secret admirer? What does that mean? I hear the turbo lift open and in comes Deanna Troi. She walks over to my station.

"What's wrong, Worf?" She asks, looking into my eyes, "You seem confused," I was indeed confused.

"I have found a note by someone called 'Secret Admirer'," I state in my usual low tone, "They have expressed an interest in me," Deanna giggles.

"Mr. Worf, you have gotten a note from your secret admirer!" She squeals, "Secret Admirer is not a person, it's a secret identity!"

I nod as my heart drops. Deanna walks away toward her station. Someone likes me? It was most likely not (Y/N), though they had stated they had (Y/E/C) like (Y/N) does. I fold up the note and place it somewhere safe until my shift ends.

As I am dismissed from my station, I retrieve the letter and read it on my way to my quarters. I have decided on analyzing the note further and writing down the information I could get until further notes appear.

1. They are not from the original crew and have been transferred

2. They are 'friends' with me, since they speak of my personality

3. They have (Y/E/C) eyes

"Time to crack this case" I think as I write down the information.


A/n: I will do a part two later :)

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