Tragical death (cricky)

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Walking into the old "haunted" house I see some furniture and some stuff. It looks goth like. A bit like my own house. Why did I go again? I keep asking that myself. "Come on Chris ur not a pussy boy". I say to myself before walking up the stairs.

"Shushhhhhh". I say to myself as the stairs crack. As i stand in the hallway on the second floor I see some old newspapers. 'Ricky Olson tragically dead by murder but never found'. My heart starts to beat faster looking at the papers, seeing the house maybe 20 years back.

My hands reach towards the door handle. I push it open seeing a big bed. "this must've been from his mom". I say to myself. I look at the old tv and the big bed what still looks like someone had slept in it. I see dead black roses laying on the small table under the giant mirror. "Hm". I look in the small counters and see a key.

After looking in all the rooms there is one left. I try to push it open but it seems locked. Great now I can't go in there. I sighs and my hands slide into my pockets feeling the key I grabbed at the very beginning. I put it into the lock and turn it to the left hearing a small 'click'.

I push the door open and walk inside. "Damn". The smell of death hangs around me. I look around in all the small things, seeing a blanket. I pull up the blanket to only see a dead body. "Oh my god". My hand finds it way to my mouth to cover up. It's a boy. Pale skin, black hair and 2 small lip rings.

"Tragic isn't it?". I turn around as fast as I can only see a spirit of the boy standing in the door way. "I wasn't found murdered, ur the first one to see my dead body". He giggles sitting next to his own body. "I'm Ricky Olson and ur Chris cerulli if I'm right?". I nod still in a bit of a shock. "Why ru in my house?". He looks at me, his bright blue eyes looking right trough my soul. "I uh, just curious".

We we're just talking for about a hour. I figured he likes the same music and bands as me. We're pretty much alike. "So for how long have you've been ya know dead?". He looks at me with a small smile. "For about 20 years I think, if I wasn't murdered I would've been 38". He looks at me with a smile. "How old ru actually?". "I'm 18". I smile as he stands up looking at his dead body.

"Chris, can I ask you something?". He still looks at his own body tracing his fingers over the cutting wounds on his throat. "Sure". He turns around almost happy. "Can you bring me back? From death?". His eyes are locked in mines. Asking with his eyes if I please can. "I'll try". His smile grows wider. "Thank you so much Chris".

——————— time skip ————————

His eyes suddenly open and his chest starts to go up and down. Did it work? He turns his head looking at me. "Chris?". His voice is even better now. He sits up, looking at me and smiling. His hands travel over his own unclothed legs. "It worked! Chris it worked!". He jumps up, falling in my arms. "Thank you so much Chris!". I feel his tears in my neck, smiling a bit.

After he calmed down I looked at him. The poor guy must be cold. He's only wearing a boxer. "You must be cold rick, here". I pull my hoodie over my head and give it to Ricky. He took it and put it on having the sleeves going over his own hands. "It looks like a dress". He laughs and looks at me.

"So my plan is, ur staying with me". I tell Ricky. He nods looking at me with happy eyes. "Thanks Chris, for doing this". He blushes a little and then hugs me. My mouth turns into a wide smile, hugging the small boy. "So let's head to my home okay? I live on my own". He looks at me nodding. "Can I take something out my room?".

After he's done taking his old clothes he looks up at me. "My shoes seems to be disappeared". He looks at me. "I'll buy you new ones now hop on my back we're going to mine". I smile as I feel his weight on my back beginning to walk to my house.

"So there's the fridge, get anything you want and yeh". I smile as I drop him on the couch. I sit down next to him, smiling at him. "Thanks again Chris". His mouth curls into a smile and his body leans against mine. This is anything I wanted before Ricky. He isn't my boyfriend tho, I'd like to make him.

We watched tv for a bit when Ricky tells me he's tired. He looks at me and smiles weakly. "We can go to bed tho or we can cuddle here". I say soft, smiling at him. "Upstairs". I nod taking him in my arms and walking upstairs. "Come on Rick, take off your clothes you can take a shirt of me". He nods slow taking off his clothes and sliding into my HIM shirt.

"I know I've said this so many times but thanks so much Chris". He smiles looking at me. "You're welcome Ricky". I smile at him, without knowing walking towards him. "It was nothing". And with that I kiss him. He kisses back almost immediately. His hands find his way to my neck and mines to his small hips.

"Will you be my boyfriend please Ricky?". I smile as I wait for his answer. "Of course Chris!". He hugs me tight, almost crying from happiness. "Now babe hop in the bed". He does as told and lays down on the big mattress. I lay next to him, wrapping my arms around his small body. "Goodnight Ricky". I whisper to him. "Goodnight Chris". That's when we both fell asleep.


Yeh first chapter idk About it.

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