R they dating?

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"So how about, next time we'll just meet at the park. Talk a bit I'll take food, Let's make a pick nick out it!" Josh sounded excited which made Ricky chuckle and smile. "Yes I'd love that!" Does that mean, a date?!

After josh and Ricky had done several things that day Ricky went home. Was he in love? Or is it an innocent crush? Ricky has enjoyed today actually! A lot! Ricky had seen Chris today, he was walking into buffalos but had left after he and Joshua had a talk. Ricky was scared. What if he told josh about Ricky fucking with Chris for money? Should he stop with it maybe? Can he?

Ricky was waken up by the sound of his phone buzzing.

Chris: Ricky. I saw you with balz today. You guys doing shit or something? I'd like to know since we are obviously fucking!
You: Chris please, it wasn't like that.
Chris: oh so having food with someone you actually don't know is normal, especially when ur already fucking someone.

Ricky began losing his temper. Why did Chris had such a big mouth. How actually dated he doing that!

You: I'm sorry Chris but this is over. I don't wanna fuck with you anymore. You beat me every time we do! I'm covered in goddamn bruises. Every. Fucking. Day!
Chris; fine Ricky! If that's whatever the fuck You want! Ur such an ignorant slut!

Chris has blocked you.

Ricky threw his phone away. How could he think that! Just having food with someone doesn't mean they're dating! Is it?

Ricky stood up and walked towards the bathroom, "let's just take a hot shower and it'll be alright." He began taking off his clothes, looking at his body in the mirror. "Ignorant slut." He looked at the light bruised area on his hips. That's where chris' hands had been. "Whatever Ricky Just shake it off of you." He walked into the shower and instantly relaxed.

I didn't knew Chris and Ricky were fucking dating! Josh walks trough the cemetery, to his grandmothers grave. He sits down looks at the stone. "Sorry to inform you but I'm gay." He let's a soft laugh, knowing the exact face his grandmother would've made. "And I really really like this boy, but apparently he's dating this douche from my school. I've never even seen them together." He lets out a real big sigh making him fall backwards in the grass. "He's just so cute, his eyes are so blue and he's so small and adorable."

"He's just, you know when you see someone and you think 'I wanna marry that person and grow old with him' he's that kinda person granny." Josh looks at the sky and sighs. I have never even seen them together. He shakes his head and sits straight again. "I just hope Ricky will like me." He stood up and smiled at his grandmas grave. "Thank you for listening granny."


Ricky's phone rang and he looked at it. It was josh. Maybe he really does like me? He sighed and picked up.
"Hey, why did you call?"
"I actually just wanted to ask if you'd mind going to a movie with me? I mean I know you and Chris just broke up but maybe you wanted to get ur mind off?"
"I've never been with Chris. Just fuckbuddy's or whatsoever. Anyways I'd love to go to a movie with you!"

He smiled and and bit his lip, blushing lightly.

"So there's this movie I wanna see it's on Wednesday evening, it's a new horror movie."
"I know what movie you mean! Ofcourse I wanna go to that movie with you."
"..you make me so happy Ricky, I'll pick you up at 7."

Ricky chuckled and talked a bit more with josh. Nothing special but just a bit of normal talking. He really wanted to get to know josh better.

Guys I'm hella sorry for not updating that long! I completely forgot and I kinda have no inspiration anymore?

So this is a small chapter! But if you have a cool idea you can always HMU or just write it in the comments! I'll credit you!

Thnxx for having patience w me :)

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