Drunk? (Vinnyxryan)

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Small body frame, Brown hair, greenish eyes and super cute. Exactly I'm talking about Vinny Mauro. Every time he walks by my heart just runs out of energy I believe.

The way he walks, the way he smiles, the way his laugh sounds trough the studio if we're practicing. Shit.

I'm sorry that I haven't introduced myself yet, I'm Ryan sitkowski 18 years old and totally head over heels for this 15 year old boy. Even tho I'm straight. He joined our band when we needed a drummer so that's how I got to know vinny. He's actually really shy what makes him absolutely adorable.

I swing my guitar over my shoulder as band practice ends. "Hey who's down to go back to my house?". I laugh a bit. "Count me in Christopher". I smile and stretch my back. He rolls his eyes and laughs it off. I look at the other guys as they're all giving their answers finishing with vinny.

"I uhm don't know, homework yk". Chris laughs shortly, looking at him with a nice look. "It's Friday vinn, you can even stay over". My mouth seems to make an automatic answer. "He could also stay with me". His serious face turns into a big smile. The one I love. He nods and stands up. "Hell yeah!".

The next moment we're all in Chris' home. Vinny is next to me, ghost sits on balz lap and Ricky and Chris are awkwardly blushing and looking at the other one. I swear those 2 better make a move. I look at my left, seeing vinny drink his beer and putting the empty can back on the table. His greenish eyes r piercing trough my soul if all the conversations drop. He comes closer and closer and closer and clo- "KISSESSSSS!!!!!".

Devin screams and laughs kissing balz firmly on his lips, everyone looks a bit shocked as they do. "Cmon Chris, Ricky your turn now, we all saw you two looking". They get red as tomatoes and we all laugh a bit. "Fine". Chris pulls Ricky on his lap and kisses him. "Oeeeehhhh". We all laugh as they stop kissing. "Well, Ryan, your turn now hm?". Ghost said. He knows I like vinny.

My cheeks begin to be red and my palms begin to sweat. "Ryan Ryan Ryan!". Everyone calls out. "Yeah yeah sh". I say looking at vinny. He's still smiling. The damn smile I love that much. My arm pulls his body closer as my lips touch his. For my feeling my stomach explodes. The kissing goes on and on. "Uhm, get a room, we don't want live porn". Ricky softly said where all 4 others laugh. "I do!". And that only can be josh balz saying that.

We stop kissing and look at each other. "You can have live porn with me balz". Ghost says making us all turn heads. Balz gets a small blush on his cheeks as we all chuckle. "Tonight". "Okay ew gross". Ricky calls out and giggles. Following by a chuckle from Chris and a eyeroll from Devin.


"Whoooooo! Parttttttyyyyyyy!". Devin chuckles and takes another sip from the bottle of wine he has in his hand. Yep Devin just got drunk, and so did balz. Ricky got a bit tipsy and Chris well he doesn't drink. I'm still sober and vinny is dancing around. Not drunk but tipsy.

My eyes quickly scan him leaving them freeze at his ass. Looks so good. I shake my thoughts of of me. Not right now Ryan. He is dancing with Devin, a bit too close for my liking but it doesn't matter. Ghost is drunk and is going for balz. Their hips move on the slow song. "Isn't that hot?". Chris whispers in my ear as Ricky is also doing the same. I smile and nod "fucking hot".

It's somewhere past 3 if Chris decides to close everything. "Drive save Ryan okay? Even tho it's only a few mins please be careful. We don't wanna play warped without you". He slightly laughs. I laugh and pick vinny up. He's drunk by now. "Byeee rickyyyyy I love youuuu". His false singing sounds trough the room as Ricky does the same making me and Chris chuckle. "Tell Devin and balz goodnight from me if they wake up from their coma". He laughs and nods closing the door leaving me and vinny in the small summer breeze.


"Vinny come on take your clothes off". Who knew a boy from 15 could be this drunk and this annoying. He shakes his head and drops on the bed. "Don't want tooooo". My eyes begin to role automatically and I walk up to him. "If you don't do it then I will". He laughs sheepishly and rolls around. "Fine, you fucking brat".

In no time I have him stripped down to his boxers. Taking an extra look at his beautiful body, biting my lip. "It's cold Ryan I'm gonna freeze to death". His whines are hard. "No you're not now get in the bed". I love this control over him. He hops on the bed, covering himself under the covers. I take off my shirt as I feel like being watched. "Ryan ur so sexy". He chuckles and looks at me. I shake my head and strip to my boxers.


"Ryan, Ryan wake up!". I slowly open my eyes and see vinny's head. "What? How late is it?". "It's 5:30". I move my hand over my head and sigh. "Why did you wake me up". He starts giggling and blushes? Hmmmm. His hands traces from my chest to my boxer as I look down I see I have a boner. "It that why you woke me up vinny?". He nods and giggles. I let my head hit the pillow again and sigh.

And before I know his hand is inside of my boxer stroking me. "Vinny stop it, ur drunk as hell". I find myself trying not to moan as his small teenage hands stroke my cock. "You like it tho Ryan". Sudden his voice speaks really adultish. Don't moan you fuck, this will get y'all in trouble. His hand suddenly stops and I sigh in relief. "My hands tired". I laugh a bit but stop as I feel his wet lips taking my cock In.

"V~vinny, s~stop". I can't speak normal, I can't think normal. His mouth feels so good. A moan rolls of my mouth and I feel him smiling. "You fucking enjoy this don't you?". He takes my dick out for a second and giggles. "Hm yes daddy, I've been waiting for this". I groan and tangle my hands in his hair. "Ur a slut vinny and you enjoy it". He goes deeper and deeper until my dick hits the back of his throat.

And again. And again. And again. My hands grab his hair tighter as I get the feeling in my belly. "Vinny fuck I'm going to cum". I moan as he slowly licks my tip only to suck on it again. "Cum for me daddy I wanna taste your cum so bad". I can't seem to think clear in anyway possible anymore. "Hnnggg fuck vinny". I moan as I cum. My warm liquid shoots in his mouth as he moans and swallows it.

He swallowed.


"Ryan, wake up". I feel my side being poked as I laugh softly. "What". I ask with my What deeper morning voice, opening my eyes. "Do you also have this weird taste in ur mouth?". I chuckle. "No, why?". Vinny looks at me slightly confused. "I don't, did we do something this night? Was I drunk?". I laugh. "What no Vinny. Ur crazy mate, you know I'm not gay right?". He nods and lays down again. "My head aches". I chuckle and stand up. "Sleep some more i wake you up in 2 hours".

With that I walk out of my room leaving Vinny probably confused and me having a big smile on my face. I'm so straight as spaghetti, wet spaghetti.

So new chapter up!!!
Tell me what ships y'all want next.

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