"More then a dare"

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"Truth or dare to Angelo". "Dare". "Take the emo kid out for a date".

That's how it all started. I had to take Ricky out for a date to just let him fall.

My eyes scanned the lockers looking for Ricky. He doesn't look that bad tbh he's kinda cute. I look around seeing him finally reaching his locker. I give a quick look at the boys and walk up to him.

"Hey, you're Ricky right?". His blue eyes coated with black eyeshadow looked at me. "Eh yeah, that's me". I looked at him. His black jeans were fitting to his small legs and his hoodie had an oversized look. "I'm Angelo". He nods. "Well hi Angelo, what do you want from me?". His hand finds it way to his hip as he leans on one leg. Damn the sass.

"Oh ya know, I came to tell you that you're a good looking boy". I say nonchalant. His cheeks seems to color a bit pinkish. "Ur a cute one". "Oh Ehm thnx". He gives a small and kind smile. Don't like him Angelo, just a dare. "Meet me at the theater, 8 pm. See ya cutie". With a wink I walk away. He mumbles something I can't hear anymore.

"And how did it went?". Devin asks. A bit of jealousy mixed his voice. "Well we will see if he comes". I said looking at the boys. "7pm the theater, HIM is gonna play and I had a ticket left". I say, everyone gasps. "You have a HIM ticket?!". "Oh damn I almost had one, my mom didn't want to lend me 10 bucks". I laugh. "Yep I got the ticket". They all look a bit shocked but don't say anything about it.


"Mom, I'm going to that HIM concert tonight". I walk in my house and see my mom sitting by the table. "How much money do you bring ange?". I sit down on the other side of my mom. "Ehm probably 200 bucks, since I'm bringing someone". My moms eyes lit up and a bright smile comes by. "Who's the lucky girl?".

"Ricky he's very cute and he's 16". My moms eyes even get brighter. "A boy! Oh you have to introduce us Angelo. Do you got a picture?". I laugh a bit. "Mom calm down, maybe I'll bring him by tonight". She nods and smiles. I haven't seen her this happy in months. I stand up and walk upstairs. "I'm gonna make myself ready!".

Ricky ~

Today was.. weird. Angelo perante asked me on a date. THE angelo perante. I may have a small crush on him. I mean he is cute. I wonder were we are going since he said 8pm at the theater. I let out a big sigh as I put the key in my door. "Mom, dad, dexter?". I scan the house. Sigh. No mom, no dad and dexter is probably sleeping.

I kick off my shoes as I look at the time. 5:30pm. "Fuck" I quickly mutter to myself as I basically run up the stairs. "Okay first a shower". I open my bedroom door and see dexter sleeping on my bed. Incase you're confused, dexter is my super cute cat. "I'll be late tonight dexter. Sleep well okay?". I walk into the bathroom and turn the shower open.

"Ah~ Angelo, f~fuck". The moans roll out of my mouth as I slowly pump myself. My head has been running crazy since I stepped under the shower. "Hm~ like t~that, a~ange!". With a high moan I cum over my stomach. The shower all washes it off and I start to wash myself.

If mom didn't use my money for her stupid heroine I'd be at my favorite band tonight. I throw on black ripped skinny's and a slipknot shirt. I put my hair straightener in the socket as I start to apply my usual makeup. After that I straighten my hair and put on my black vans.

Sigh. I decide to walk to the theater since it's only 10 minutes from my house. It's already dark and the city lights are soft. Coming at the theater I see a big line for HIM. I wish I was there right now. "Damn you actually showed up". My head shoots up only to look at the hot Angelo perante.

"Oh yeah I uh, had nothing to do anyways so eh". I stumble over my words. He's so hot. "It's okay, also are you into HIM or not?". He didn't.. "they're my favorite band". His eyes begin to softly get bright. Did he?

"That's great, because tonight we will be seeing them live!". My heart nearly stopped as I felt some tears welling up. "Ohmygod thank you so much!". Without a proper control on my own body I feel my arms already around his waist and the tears streaming down my cheeks.

Angelo ~

Ricky and I are almost front row! He's so precious. His smile is wider then I ever thought I would see on his face. His head is banging with the beat and his lips are singing the song. This night is amazing. Ville valo is nothing compared to Ricky. Ricky is just wow his black hair and piercing blue eyes. I can only wish he's mine. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the last song and it's called heart killer!".

"Oh my god did you notice how hot ville looked up there?". I laugh. "No, I was looking at you". A blush creeps on his cheeks and he looks away. "Thnx".

Ricky ~

After the concert we walk outside only to be greeted by the rest of Angelo's friends. They never liked me. "Ah how was the concert with emo fag?". I automatically bite on my lip so I won't start crying. "It was awesome he really liked it right Ricky?". I start blushing again and just nod my head. "Hm we need to find you a harder dare sometimes".

Wait what! He used me for truth or dare! "You what!". Without time it just flies out of my mouth. "You used me for a dare!". His face makes an upset look and he looks at the lanky one. He starts laughing and the rest of the group joins.. but not Angelo. How could he do this. I feel my heart shatter. "You really just used me for a stupid dare."

My eyes start to water and my feet slowly turn me around. "Thnx for the great night sadly it was just a dare..". "Ohh you made him upset!". Someone just screams with laughter. My heart is absolutely shattered how could he do this to me? "Ricky wait!". His hand lays on my shoulder and he turns me around.

"What the fuck do you wa-". My words get cut of with a kiss. A fucking kiss! Without that I actually want it I start to melt under his touch. Don't be stupid Ricky this is probably another dare. I slowly push him off as I feel the tears fall out of the corner of my eyes. "Don't touch me".

Angelo ~

"Don't touch me". His words were soft spoken and extremely fragile. "Ricky". My eyes slowly go over his small body "I'm sorry".


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