Voices in my head... again (cricky)

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"Fucking emo fag. Ur nothing Richard.". My heart fucking shattered. As soon as he heard the words coming out of Angelo's mouth he started tearing up and waking away. As soon as he was out of sight it fell quiet but not for long.

"Angelo! Are you fucking crazy! Maybe the kid will fucking hang himself or worse cut! Didn't you notice his fucking scars!". My tears were already burning in my eyes. His wrists were so fragile. "You're a fucking bastard Angelo!". I pick up my bag and walk away. What a fucking scumbag.

I grab my stuff and leave school. No need to be here for another 4 hours. I twist my keys of my black Porsche in my hand while walking over the school terrain. He isn't even that bad. My mind is wandering again. Richard isn't that bad I mean he's even pretty cute. I mean his black hair and his blue eyes are just super cute. "Pling". Text from Angelo, great.

'Hey I'm sorry Chris.. I shouldn't have said that to the poor guy. Will you still fuck me tonight? I need you xx". I roll my eyes and shake my head. "You really think I'm gonna fuck your "fag" ass tonight? It's over whatever we had Angelo." I put my phone back in my bag as I walk to my car. Fucking bitch.

I finally reach my car and bring my bag to the seat next to me as I hear soft sobbing.


My head already hurts and my eyes feel dry. They're right, you don't deserve to be here. "N~no". My soft whispering to myself are looking like screams. You should be never born. Ur crush doesn't even like you, you fag. My hand reaches for my small box that's in the back of my bag. With shaking hands I open it seeing the shiny piece of iron.

You can better just slit your wrists and bleed to death Richard. You don't belong here. My hands cover my ears. "N~no shut u~up". These voices in my head won't go away. My eyes close and my hand brings the small iron to my wrist. Come on fag! Cut yourself! With one small movement I see my blood coming out. More!

After 15 minutes I was sobbing, looking at my all red wrists and all the cuts I made. Such a shame you're not dead yet. I was sitting behind some cars, hoping no one would see me. I'm better off dead. My black makeup was all over my face and I slowly poured water over the fresh cuts. My sobbing was getting louder. Don't cry you fag. No one wants a crying fag like you. Never. "Tr~true".


The more I walked to Angelo's car the harder I heard the sobs. "Tr~true". My eyebrows raised as I saw the small boy sitting there. His whole wrist covered in blood and his face covered in his tears mixed with his dark makeup. I have to take him home.

"Richard?". He looked up, looking like a scared raccoon. "Please g~go away". His sobs came back louder and his eyes closed. "I'm taking you home right now". I stepped up to him and picked him up. He weights nothing. "L~let me go!". His tears came twice as fast as he tried pushing me away. Not gonna work lil guy. I picked up his bag and put him in my car.


"Richard come on". His small body moved out of my car. "Call me Ricky". I smiled and nodded. Super adorable. Just like him. His small framed body walks behind me as I walk into my apartment. I can't help but smile as I see him looking around. "Cool house". His voice is almost as soft as a whisper as he looks up the ceiling. "Hmhm now come on we gotta clean you up".

"It can sting okay? Just relax". His anxious looking eyes pierce trough my soul and I quickly focus me on the wounds again. I slowly bring the alcohol soaked cotton to his wrist and start cleaning. "I~it hurts Chris". The way he speaks my name just makes me have butterflies all over. He's the cutest little boy ever. "My mom used to do this for me... she passed away last year". His eyes soften as his mouth hangs open for a bit.

After a bit of chatting with Ricky I clean up the stuff and start cleaning the rest of his face. "Thank you for helping me". He softly mumbles and smiles a little.


Up close Chris is really beautiful. He's so sweet. How could he possibly like those assholes. His lips look so perfect and his eyes are so beautiful. "Are you blushing Ricky?". My eyes shoot up to look at him as I feel myself get even more red. "W~what no". He laughs softly, making his lips curl into a beautiful smile. "So beautiful". "Thank you?". I look up in confusion. "I think you thought with your mouth mister". His smile grows wider. "Oh".


"Ricky! What movie do you wanna see?". He looks at me with 4 DVD's in his hands. "Uhh Carrie". He smiles and puts it in the player. I look at the tv as I feel him scooping closer. He smells good damn. My usual blush returns and I giggle in myself. What the hell! I never giggle. I roll my eyes and watch the movie.

"Pling!". I jump at the sudden sound as Chris takes his phone. "I'm sorry Ricky I gotta answer this text". I nod as he stands up and walks to the kitchen.


Fuck. It's Angelo once again. I walk to the kitchen and open the snap I got from him. "Chris I'm so hard for you.. please? Xx". I clench my fist and block him. I don't want him anymore. He was good in bed but I don't want him no more. I want Ricky.

As I'm done I walk back and sit next to Ricky. "What was that about?". He curiously asks. "Nothing much". He nods and his head turns back to the tv again.

After a while he start to cuddle into me and lays his head down on my chest. "Chris? This is one of the best days in my life, thank you". The vulnerability in his voice slams me in the face. He's so vulnerable. "It's okay Ricky, I'm glad you know, that you're here. You made me realize bullying is really harmful".

His beautiful blue eyes started to water again. His mouth opened slowly, probably to say something but nothing was coming out. Speechless. His tears started to run as his arms closed around my waist. His big blue eyes looked up to me and his mouth was a cute but insecure smile. Perfect.

As I got completely lost in his eyes my head was only inches away from his. My head came closer and closer. His lips touched mi-

"Chris wake up!". I shot up looking around. "W~what?". He giggled. "You were talking in your sleep again. But happy one year anniversary honey". I smiled. Was I? Dreaming? "Happy anniversary Angelo, I love you". His lips connected with mine and his hands played with my hair. Was that cheating?

Yay finally a chapter finished :3
I did my best on this and hope y'all like it c:

what are you opinions?

I'm edging on a mental breakdown rn btw.
Sorry if that made my writing suckier as usual x

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