⚠️Talking bout grades

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It was the last day of the semester, and teachers were giving students their grades for the finals that they took. You've always been a good student, and done well on tests.

The class clears out pretty quick after the bell and I tell students that they'll come to my office one by one to discuss their grades.
You were the last one to come in.
My office was quite large, but windowless, and I was sat behind a large desk, waiting for you, with a stack of papers on my desk.
"Vinny, please come in and take a seat" I say. I was wearing a black suit with a blood red tie on, my hair good done and my face freshly shaved.

He smile nicely as He walks into the office and takes seat "did I do well sir?" He asks in curiousness. His eyes were looking at the small stack of papers in my desk.

"I'm afraid not Vinny. Your grade was not what I expected, and far from your usual standard. Honestly I'm sure you'd be just as disappointed as I was. Just a couple of points above a failing grade" I let you know, seeming really disappointed in you. I let out a small sigh.

He looks at his feet and almost cries "I- I've studied really good" his shaky voice speaks as He blink his tears away. My heart breaks a little. Vinny is such a great kid, he's a bit feminine let's say but he's so good.

"Apparently not well enough. I'm sorry, really I don't take pleasure in this. You're one of my favorite students and I hate to do this, but I'm afraid there's not a lot I could do" I say, frowning a little when I notice his tears. My heart sunk a bit.

He plays with the bottom of his small but cute skirt as he sighs "I-I'm really sorry for letting you down sir" He bites his lip trying not to cry. I hate seeing him like this.

"It's not about me Vinny, I just hate that you done this to yourself. This bad grade could affect your college applications" I say, looking at him sadly. His face drops even further striking his nice hair out his face.

"I-I've tried so hard sir, I was studying every single day" He says honestly really disappointed in himself. His voice almost sounds like a girl.

I give him a small understanding nod and bite my lip.
"There is... an extra credit project that you could do.. that will definitely boost your grade you know". I mean I'm not gonna lie, Vinny is the hottest student in this entire school. I know he will do this for a few extra points.

"What is it?" His head immediately shots up looking a bit confused. I give him a small smile, not sure if I'll talk him. I lick my lips deciding I'm just gonna do it.

"Come here, I'll show you" I say with a sly smirk, telling him to get up and come over to my side of the desk. He seems to hesitate for a small moment.

He stands up slowly, straightening his skirt and walking to the other side of the desk. "So is this going to be hard?". He asks with a innocent voice. I look up at him smiling.

I smirk and lick my lips. "Hard is just the word I was going to use, but it can be very fun too" I say, placing my hand on his bare thigh, just above his knee, where his short skirt barely covers it, stroking up and down slowly. He shivers a bit and keeps standing like this.

He swallows deep as He directly knows what it's about. "I-is it going to hurt sir?". He asks slowly with a bit uncomfortableness in his voice. Aww cute Vinny.

"Not at all. I'll take good care of you, I promise. I'm sure you'll love it" I assure him, raising my hand up higher and higher, reaching the bottom of his ass. He has an incredible ass. It's so perfect.

He bites his lip as He slowly lets everything happen. I feel him leaning into my touch without thinking about it. I smile a bit looking at him.

I get up carefully from my seat and get behind him. I slide my other hand to join the one currently under his skirt, and they both feel around his smooth thighs before they reach up to his ass, each grasping a handful softly, giving you a squeeze.

His mouth slowly hangs open a bit not knowing how to react or what to do. "I ehm I'm still a virgin sir". He says as he starts blushing.

"Well is your virginity worth the test score?" I question, pulling his back a little to push his ass out against my crotch, and him to feel the outline of my cock against him, through my trousers.

A moan escapes his mouth as He covers his mouth in shock "I'll give up my virginity". He speak slowly and without any confidence. I feel how nervous he is and that only turns me on more.

"That's what I thought" I whisper into his ear, he feels my warm breath on his neck as I grind myself against his ass, moving my hands to the front of his body, starting to unbutton his shirt slowly.

His whole body freezes as he feels my hand going over his bare chest. He moans quietly. "So Vinny, such a tight virgin ass". I growl in his ear making his skin to get goosebumps. "Hmm s-sir". He quietly breathes out.

"What is it?" I ask you as I undo his shirt slowly and slide it off his shoulders, throwing it to the ground next to me. My hands slowly make their way from his neck to the bottom of his back.

"N-nothing sir" He says with the little bit of breath He has in him. I can feel how much he enjoys it. "You like this little slut?". His breathe hitches making me quite amused.

I slowly turn him around. His cheeks are bright red. My hand goes from his cheek slowly to his mouth opening it. "Suck it, slut". I spat at him and put two of my fingers in his mouth. His mouth closes around my fingers and he starts swirling his tongue around them. "Hm such a good little slut for me". After he lubricated my finger I take them out bringing them to his entrance.

I tease his hole and he lets out a long hold breath. "Hm liking this? Beg me". I push him against my desk having his pretty ass stand out. "Please sir, I want your fingers". I chuckle and slowly bring one finger in feeling that his hole is less tight then expected. "Do you fuck yourself darling?". He nods and whimpers. "Hm good". I start adding a second finger, stretching him a bit.

His moans and whimpers keep rolling out his mouth. "Hm baby boy". My smirk grows wider every time he lets out a whimper. "S-sir please". "What do you want slut?". I feel his muscles clench around my fingers a bit. "Y-your cock p-please". I chuckle a bit. "No shame hm? Begging your teacher to fuck You". Just when he was about to answer I enter his hole making him and myself moan.

"Still tight for me baby". I smirk and start trusting my hips back and forth. Those beautiful moans only turn me on more, making me go faster and harder.

So I've decided to put this on in 2 parts since it's already super long.
I hope y'all enjoy it.
Also happy Easter

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