Buffalos date! Pt1

755 13 7

11 pm

Ricky was walking trough the dark streets of Scranton, something he did already quite a few years when he felt upset. Today it was his pet hamster, Ville Valo, that died. He saw it coming but it still left something.

Ricky was quite a strange boy, according to the local people. He wore almost always black and loved metal and rock music. He was friends with Chris Cerulli who was already known by the police all over Scranton.

Actually Ricky didn't want to get involved too much with police cases. He knew Chris sometimes stole but he didn't care, as long as he could get some cigarettes he was okay. He actually had sex with Chris a few times, nothing bad it was good sex he thought but no feelings. Just sex. Not how Ricky thought his virginity got taken.

Just sex.., it sounded so., rude. But that is what Chris had said. "Just sex Ricky, no feelings. Just sex for my sexual frustration." Ricky had agreed with that he didn't really mind, Chris was good looking anyways and he liked sex. Even got $50 every time they had sex. Did that make him a whore? Probably not I mean it's not like he had sex with others right?

Ricky was walking trough the dark streets of Scranton, something he did already quite a few years when he felt upset. Was he really upset about his pet hamster dying? I don't think so. Ricky was upset because he felt like no one will love him. He would never get a boyfriend. Would he?

A loud bang was heard. Ricky fell on the ground seeing a skateboard a few inches away. "Oh my god, I am so sorry! I didn't saw you! Are you okay?" A friendly face was sitting on the street facing Ricky. Ricky looked up. Wasn't that? Isn't that Joshua balz?

Joshua has been a super popular boy at school. Ricky never dared to talk with him even tho he's friends with Chris. But no one even knew Ricky and Chris were fucking, they only knew they were friends. Not best friends no, just friends. Joshua was odd, but friendly to everyone. Everyone liked Joshua.

Ricky had a slight crush on him. He was handsome and cute and could play some instruments.

Ricky gave a nod "I'm fine, I should've looked out more." He stood up and looked at josh. "Are you sure? It was a hard hit." Josh said while getting up, "what are you doing here so late tho?" Ricky questioned himself. "Just went for a walk I do that a lot." He looked down to the streets making josh look at him even more. "You are Ricky right? I see you hang with Chris sometimes, I'm josh."

Josh smiled friendly, like he always did. Because josh was friendly. "So why did you actually take a walk? I mean it's late." Josh looks at Ricky, smiling a bit.
"Oh just letting my mind wander, ville valo died tonight." Josh eyes went huge, making it look like he was about to cry. Ricky looked up at him just thinking about what he said. "No! Shit I didn't meant ville valo from HIM! I meant my pet hamster!"

Josh let out a big sigh, laughing a bit. "God I thought you meant ville, I love HIM so much, that band helped me trough so much." Ricky smiles and grabs josh his skateboard. "Same, here's your skateboard." Ricky looks at the board seeing there are some great bands on it. "You like it? I painted it myself." Ricky nods and smiles. "That's so cool!"

Ricky smiles, he liked josh already. "So Yk I should go, but here's my number.." Josh said writing his number or Ricky's wrist, looking at the self harm scars but writing over them. "....call me whenever you come home." Ricky likes how he didn't mentioned the scars. Ricky hated it when people do that. "I will, thank you." Ricky looked again at the number on his arm and smiled.

12 pm.

Ricky just came home, looking at the bold Christmas tree standing in the room. Yes it was that time of the year again. It was red with silver and it had bright lights. He looked around seeing his sock above the fireplace. He smiled, he liked Christmas because it made him feel like the entire family was one for a period in the year.

He quickly grabbed a glass of water and a cookie and walked upstairs. He heard the tv on in his parents room. That could only mean 2 things, either sex or a fight. Ricky rolled his eyes and walked to his own room, closing the door and sitting after the small desk. It was pretty warm so he rolled up his sleeves looking at Josh's phone number.

"Uhm h-hi it's yk uhm Ricky we uhm met today."
"Hey! Thought you wouldn't call at all!! I just came home!" Josh sounded happy. Maybe he was glad Ricky called. Maybe he was.
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, I just thought it would've been rude if I wouldn't call."
"Ur not bothering at all! Hey how about we meet up tomorrow? I'll text ya where, gtg now! Cya tomorrow!"
With that the sound on the other side went dead and Ricky fell on his bed with a huge smile.


"Ricky wake up! It's Saturday!" He woke up and directly smiled wide as he thought of meeting up with josh today. So did josh tho, he liked Ricky, he had seen him around on school but was kinda scared to talk to the cute long haired boy. Ricky walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower and heading in.

What should I wear today? The only question spooking trough his head at the moment. What should he wear?

"Hey! Ricky so we are meeting today right? Thought you'd like some food so meet me at buffalos 1 pm!"

Ricky smiled. Food, it was long ago that he had eaten at buffalo's but shit he loved that restaurant. He threw on some clothes he thought would be okay and started to do his hair. He looked on his phone, 12, shit he had to hurry.

He grabbed his beanie and put it on his head covering his messy dark blonde roots. Grabbing his phone and his jacket and putting on his old skill vans.

Josh was actually already outside. Joshua loved being outside, just to get away from the shitty situation in his house. His mom had, once again, a new boyfriend and josh didn't like him for one bit. He was mean and called him a "faggot" every time he saw him. Such a mean word. Faggot.

He definitely wasn't a faggot he just liked dicks over chicks. Boys were just so cute. He especially liked fragile boys, just like Ricky. Ricky was perfect. The perfect boy. Everything was right about him, the long hair, the music and his head.

Josh walked into buffalos looking around and choosing his favorite spot by the window. He ordered a coke already and waited for Ricky to come.

"Okay calm down, he's already here just calm it isn't such a big deal, just some food". Ricky walked in and walked straight to josh. "Uhm hi." He sat down and looked at him. He was looking so handsome. "Hey, u are looking cute today." Josh smiled and ordered something to drink for Ricky.

After a while the conversation actually came on a quite sexual level. "So, ur gay, right?", Josh asked Ricky. He smiled so adorable. Ricky Gave a shy nod and smiled. "Hmhm." Josh smiled, "still a virgin?" Ricky turned red, "no but,, just not as how I wanted it." Josh only smiled and gave him a wink. "You aren't?" Ricky asked shyly with a blush on his cheeks. "Nah, not anymore since I was like 14 or something, first I had sex with this super hot girl Ryan Ashly and then I fucked my best mate Devin!"

Ricky's eyes flew open and his head was bright red. "Why your best mate tho?" Josh simply laughed a bit. "We were both horny, so I mean masturbating or fucking." Josh was a simple guy. Ricky liked that.

Ricky liked that..

So late happy holidays and a great 2019!
I'm so sorry updating took this damn long but I was so not about to write.

Anyways this is just a part one!

Tell me what should happen in part 2!

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