"I'm not gay."

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Idea by: Rose11678

"Ricky, wake up." I couldn't quite place the voice and I really didn't wanna wake up for gods sake. "One more minute!" I turned around and opened my eyes looked at the wall of my room. "We have to be in the tour bus in an hour." The voice chuckled. That was probably what caught my attention. The tour.

"The boys are downstairs waiting Rick." The way he said Rick I could tell it was Chris talking to me. "Get ur lazy ass out of bed we got an announcement." I groaned lightly and looked at Chris. "Piss off." Chris Laughed and jerked my blankets off of me. "Ur gonna have a rough tour." I mumbled before standing up.


"So now mister sleepy head finally joined us, I have an announcement to make." I sat down on the couch next to Ryan and vinny. "So Justin from ice nine kills will be joining the band as our new bassist."

"Ricky I promise I won't tell anyone, I promise" he tucked my hair behind my hair and softly placed his lips on mine. It was fitting like two puzzle pieces. His lips moved slowly on mine and his hands found a way to my small waist.

"Ricky?" Ryan was shaking my shoulders lightly due me who spaced out again. "I- uh yeah sorry." They Looked at me for a split second before talking about Justin again. Couldn't blame them, he was so goddamn hot. "So Euhm tonight we need to be at the parking lot right?" I asked them. I got a nod from Chris in reply n smiled.

"Right, then I'm sorry but I would politely ask y'all to fuck out of my house cuz I got stuff to do." I chuckled and the rest laughed. "Sure we will go." They stood up and walked towards the door. "See you tonight." I smiled and waved them goodbye.

"Hey uhm Jaime?" I walked back to the living room. She looked at me. "Yeah what's up?" I instantly felt guilty and sighed. "I'm just gonna miss you on tour that's all." I faked a smile and walked upstairs to pack my stuff. Maybe I should tell her I feel stuff for Justin. What no she'll freak! And you don't even know if he really likes you! I sighed deeply n looked around my room for important stuff to take. It's very weird you know doing a whole tour without Devin doing the bass. Yet I really think Justin is a great person for the band.

I mean he's so tall, he loves music, he's very handsome and those lips! He's just everything I look for in a man. But I have a girlfriend. I sighed and packed some jeans. "Maybe I just need to stop this madness." I spoke out. "What madness..? Do you mean cheating?" I froze. "I- uh, no, Euhm Jaime I'm not cheating." I said calling out desperate for her to believe me. "So, the name "Justin" isn't the one ur moaning in ur sleep?! Or the He instead of she while you're singing?!" She yelled with tears in her eyes.

You ruined your relationship good job. "Jaime look I'm no-." "Never mind. I don't wanna hear it. If you come back from tour I'm gone." She walked out of the room and slammed it shut. "At least I don't have to be here." I sighed. This is the worst that could happen right now actually..

Just a short chapter this time! But guess what there will be a part 2 of this I didn't rlly know how to end this one.

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