"Ricky why do you have this?"

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"His laugh so damn beautiful, his eyes as blue as the ocean and his hair as black as a rave." I was drawing once again, that boy that had been stuck in my head. He just popped into my head this one time, i never saw him. I don't think someone as perfect as him could exist.

For some who wanna know, I am Chris. I'm 17 years old and i live here in Scranton, Pennsylvania. My parents divorced, sadly, and I live with my dad. I have long black hair, three piercings in my lip and my friends call me giant. I like music and I draw pretty much, I'm bisexual and single.

"Chris, ur gonna be late!". I snap back and realize it's already 9. "Fuck, eh coming!". I grab my bag and my shoes and walk downstairs. Where the smell of pancakes fills my nose. I walk into the kitchen seeing my dad wait for me. "Morning dad". I sit down, and start at my pancakes. "What took you so long son?". "Hm drawing".
I stepped in school and heard the sound dying a bit. "Damn he's hot". "Shut up he will hear you!". My mouth turned in a smile but it was soon gone when I saw Gaia patra coming. She's the head cheerleader, yes she's cute but her inside is ugly.

"Hey chris! I've been waiting for you". Her perfect colored lips curled into a fake smile. "We're working on a new cheer, do you wanna see?". She innocently bites on her lip. "If you don't mind, I have music class". With that I walked to my class, music, and sat down. "You're early mister cerulli". I look up and see my music teacher.

"Oh yeah, Gaia started to talk to me... again". His mouth curls into a smile and he softly chuckles. "She must be really into you". He laughs and sits down. "Yeah, I'm not so interested in her tho". He shakes his head while laughing. "I have a new student, since you're early, you should lead him trough the school". I nod and stand up. As he calls for 'ricky' and the boy walks out my heart skips a beat.

His hair, jet black. His eyes as blue as the oceans. His liprings r perfect places on his thin lips and stood out on his pale face. "Chris! Hello!". And suddenly I snap back into the normal world. "I Ehm sorry, I doze off".
"And I guess that was like the whole school". I smile as I look down at Ricky. He's pretty small and with small I mean like, small. He nods and looks around for a bit. "What's ur locker number Ricky?". He takes a small paper out of his pocket and looks at it. "Ehm number 168". He reads softly. "Cool! I have number 169". I say enthusiastically.

His perfect lips curl into a smile and his eyes meet mine for a second. They're absolutely beautiful. Just like the ocean, to drown in.

Few weeks later

"Chrisss you weren't supposed to see that!". His cheeks r bright red as I have a pink sex toy in my left hand. "Give it backkk!". He jumps up to reach it causing me to hold it up higher.

"Why do you have this Ricky?". I chuckle softly. "To fuck myself now give it back!". I laugh, "Nah ah, about who are you thinking when you do that?". His cheeks turn even more red. "Chriss please give it back". I smile, "only for a kiss".

And in that moment, his small lips met mine. They taste like strawberry and they feel like lost puzzle pieces on mine. My hand finds it way to his back only to pull him closer to me.

Ricky's pov

I feel a blush creeping up my skin as our lips touch each other. My stomach explodes. I hear something fall on the ground assuming it's the pink dildo I once got from my friends as a funny birthday gift.

He slowly pulls away, looking at me with a huge smile on his face. "A good kisser Ricky". He laughs a bit and pulls me into a hug. His heartbeat sounds so calming while mine is probably doing a race with itself.

"But do you really use this on yourself?". He asks with a little disbelief in his voice. "Sometimes..". I mumble softly. In the time we got to know each other I got a huge crush on him. "Show me". My head shoots up, looking at his serious looking brown eyes. "W-why". His mouth curls into a grin. His head slowly comes near me as he whispers something. "Because I say so baby boy". My stomach makes a turn. "Fine".

Yep very small chapter ik, but i didn't know how to actually finish This but maybe i'll change.

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