Dead as fuck

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"Ricky cmon please! I can't- I can't fucking life without you!". I hear my lovers last words to me. "C-Chris I'm s-sorry". My heart stops and and so does my pain. "No! Ricky! Stay awake the ambulance is on it's way! R-Ricky!".

My eyes burn, my heart aches and my mouth is dry. Is this what they call death? Everything here is black or are my eyes just closed? Maybe I'm in the hospital. Would Chris be here.

I open my eyes and look around. My house? My head feels heavy but I continue to stand up anyway. I walk towards a mirror. "god I look dead". My skin is paler then first and the cuts on my wrists are pretty obvious. I look in the mirror just close enough to see that my once bright blue eyes almost lost their color. "I really look dead".

"Yeah that's basically because you are, handsome". I jump and turn around as I see a pretty cute boy in my room. "D-dead?". He chuckles lightly. "Yep dead as fuck. You've cut yourself too deep, you lost too much blood, ur boyfriend found you, the ambulance came late and now you're dead". He looks at me, his one eye is white and the other one jet black.

"Joshua balz, 19 years old, stabbed to death". He smiles and shakes my hands. "Oh yeah my eyes, i noticed you". He laughs and winks. "So my left is a contact lense but since I'm dead it's stuck there. And I got stabbed in my head so yk it died". He smiles and looks into mine. "Blue hm".


"Sooo, I'm not in hell but also not in heaven?". I look at him while we're sitting in the park. "Nope, this is just our world rebuild, for the most part". This is pretty confusing. Not in hell or heaven. "The best part is, we can eat what we want without even gaining anything!". He laughs and looks up at the sky. "That's kinda awesome yeah". I smile and look at the soft green grass. It feels just the same way as at home, when I was alive. Just 10 hours ago.

My eyes close and I take a deep breath. Why did I let myself die again? Would Chris be thinking about me? Dead is dead. "Anyways, wanna join my house? There r 3 other people, they're a bit like us". Josh smiles and stands up. "Uhm yeah if there's space left". He nods and takes my hand pulling me up.


POV josh.

"Joshua!!!! Where tf did you left my damn rockstar!". I'm not even in the damn house with Ricky and I'm already getting yelled at. He jumps and grabs my hand blushing lightly. "In the fridge mike!". We walk into the house and Instantly get greeted by the small golden retriever puppy named zero. Poor thing died Bc his mom didn't want him.

"Ahwwww a dog! What's his name?". Ricky sits on the ground and pets the small pup. "It's a She first of all, and she's called zero". I smile. "Who's with you?!". I hear mike call from the kitchen. "Uhm a new boy, I found him". Mike walks from the kitchen to the hallway where we still are. He looks at Ricky and back at me and back at Ricky. "Mike? You know him?". Mike nods and gets a bit of an ashamed head.


It's late and Ricky is already in bed. Yes we also sleep! It's not like we don't get tired. Or something. "So where do you know Ricky from?". I ask mike. He takes a sip of his rockstar and looks at me. "We fucked and went on like a date a couple of times, until my brother had eyes for him. He lowkey took Ricky from me". Mike says, the last part he looks hurt. I've actually never seen him like that. "So yeah I know him". I sigh and look at him. "He died of cutting too deep and loosing blood".

Kuza looks at me with fire in his eyes. "I'm going to kill my damn brother, that son of a bitch promised me he would take care of him!". He stands up throwing his rockstar at the wall. "Whoa calm down big boy. There's nothing really to do about it. You're dead you know".

He sighs and sits down. Zero jumps on kuza's lap giving him a big lick across the face. "Oh you gross dog, I love you". He hugs him and looks at me. "I'm sorry for flipping but I mean Ricky means a lot to me". I smile a bit. "I gotta say he's pretty cute. I mean I'm not gay or something but I'd fuck him". Mike laughs. "That's a lie dude, I was going trough your phone and saw some ass pics from someone named Devin sola". He laughs harder. "So I looked it up! It's a dude!"

I feel my smile drop a bit. "Why would you go into my phone! Kuza!". He laughs harder. "Ur just gay for Devin sola". He laughs a bit and winks. "It's okay, he has a really good ass". I lean back and nod. "Hm maybe I'm bisexual".

Ricky horror.

"Hm maybe I'm bisexual". Yes it's true I knew kuza we fucked a couple of times, but I thought that was just it. I didn't know he liked me like that. I did enjoy having sex with him tho, he was better in bed than Chris at least. I can say that right? Does that makes me a bad boyfriend?

Anyways back to my actual thoughts. I should definitely try to make balz sure about his sexuality. Should I? I mean, it's the least I could do for him right. It isn't that hard I mea- is it? Maybe dead people can't get their dicks up. I let out a small giggle followed by a quiet moment. "Was that Ricky?". I hear mike "whispering". I hold a giggle and stay still. "Don't be crazy he's asleep! Maybe it's Noah". Who's Noah? Maybe it's that attractive long haired brunette who I saw. "Nah I saw him sleeping". Another quiet moment follows. "I'm gonna go to bed anyways so I can check upon Ricky". "Yeh Goodnight balz". "Goodnight mike".


I feel a weight sitting down on the mattress. This is ur chance Ricky! I smile in myself. Is this smart? Hm probably not. I softly grab his waist pulling him next to me. "R-Ricky I thought you were asleep". He looks at me with confusion. "It doesn't matter, I'm awake now daddy". I slowly rock my hips over his. "R-Ricky what ru doing?". I smile innocently. "I'm helping you out". I keep grinding on him. "God Ricky". He sighs softly but grabbing my thighs. "See you want this just as bad as I want it". I feel his dick getting harder and pressing to my bottom. Is this the right thing to do?

"Ricky I d-don't have condoms here". He says gripping my hair while I'm slowly licking up his shaft. "It's okay daddy, I was planning on letting you cum inside anyways". I grin a bit looking at him with my big blue eyes. "Hmm ur so good at this". I smile twirling my tongue around it. "If you guys fuck please be fucking quiet!". I smirk. "And why would I?". I see balz his eyes getting big. "Bc I say so!". To who does that voice belongs to? "Shut that slutty mouth up".

Then there's a tall lady figure standing in the doorway. "Pardon? I don't have a slutty mouth everything about me is slutty atm". The tall figure laughs. "I see, I'm Ryan Ashley". She giggles softly "I like you Ricky, was it right?, take good care of my ex boyfriend". She walks away. Balz looks like he died a second time. "Damn that euhm, I'm sorry for that". He awkwardly says. "I wouldn't have minded if she'd join". I giggle and slowly undo my boxers. "Please fuck me daddy?".

Josh POV
"You guys were so gross last night, it was like I was hearing some bad porn". "At least I got to fuck a hot boy". I grin and look at the disgusted face of mike. He quickly rolls his eyes and walks back to the living. "A hot boy hm?". I feel the small hands of Ricky on my waist. "Hmhm". He giggles.

"Maybe being dead isn't that bad at all".

Yep took long I know I didn't had any inspiration but here y'all go, enjoy this chapter and also.
Noah Sebastian is hot as fuck.

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