Chapter Two: Ree

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She always hated school. Of course, didn't every kid? But Mary Puckerman hated McKinley High. She hated the students, the teachers, the classes, the coaches, but she had a reason for it all. While, yes, she did run the school because of her terrifying brother, it wasn't enough for her. She hated that the kids hated her. She hated that as soon as the teachers saw her, they automatically suspect trouble. What makes them think they know her? They don't know a thing about her, that was for sure.

Throughout her life, she lived under the impression she was someone who slept around, or constantly snitched on those who wronged her for her brother to beat on, and even more stuff they only put on her. Evidently, she did seem to have a lot of partners, but she understood if Noah Puckerman ever learned someone slept with his precious sister, they wouldn't be standing any longer. She was still a virgin, as vulgar as she seemed and spoke.

Perhaps that was a good thing, too. After all, everyone at McKinley High were either liars or traitors. She knew Quinn Can't at, her best friend no less, had slept with her pig brother when she had come over, not knowing Mary wasn't there so Noah got her drunk and got her into his sheets. Mary kept this secret from her for eyed, goof of a boyfriend, but she still couldn't believe Miss High and Mighty had reduced herself to the status of every other person in McKinley High.

Mary couldn't necessarily say that so innocently either. She knew she was still a bad person, even with the lies people spread about her. She would never object to the pedestal she was placed on. She kept her stance as Queen, protected by her brother and the appearance she was blessed with. She knows, even with her tiny ego, her appearance was something close to beautiful, often using it to get advantage to get things she wanted.

Her mother often cursed her for carrying herself around as such, often downgrading Mary and telling her she should focus on finding herself a Jewish man rather than spend so much time worrying about her lack of appearance (her mother's words, not Mary's).

So as a whole, Mary hated everyone. She hated being given this stereotype, she hated how much her mother thought less of her, and she hated the intense fact that no matter how hard she tried, she'd never be able to disprove any of them.

"I got you something!" Someone sang in her ear, causing her to pitch forward from her thoughts and accidentally bump her head hard into the top of her locker, which was sadly a bottom one.

"Ah! Quinn! Warning!" She snapped, rubbing the top of her head as she stood tall, squinting at the blonde clad in her Cheerios uniform, trying her hardest not to laugh until Mary saw the latte sitting snugly in her hands being held out for the female Puckerman to take. She gasped, her whole expression changing as she took the cup into her hands. "He'll yeah, thanks. Did Coach Sylvester make another coffee run this morning or what?"

"Only for me. She's passed at the rest of the squad and decided to punish them this way by preventing them of their energy run for an entire week. Carrie Marson nearly threw up, but I told her to buy an extra one just for you." She smiled and began to walk beside the shorter girl, watching proudly as the hallway divided so perfectly for them to walk through. They never dare crossed the two females.

"Always loved how much of a bitch she is," Mary snickered, taking a long sip of her drink, smacking her lips to the taste. "How's the boyfriend?"

"Finn's great. He keeps insisting on seeing my parents for dinner some time as some weird way of making them see who exactly has their princesses hand. I keep telling him its to much. Mom and Daddy aren't exactly the most friendly people," Quinn shrugged, nudging Mary with her arm. "What about you? I thought you and Matt were doing really well?"

"Noah," Mary sneered, making Quinn understand, tensing slightly at the mention of Mary's brother. "I just wish I didn't have to live in constant fear that anyone who might look my way won't be chased away a minute later from him. I know he he means well, but seeing as he's the biggest man white in this school, you'd think he's be fine with someone holding my hand." For emphasis, Mary gazed down at her free hand that wasn't clasped around her coffee.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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