Chapter One: Smiles

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"Mom, i just sprained my hand, it's no big deal!" the boy desperately let out, beginning to get seriously annoyed.

His mother shook her head franitically, driving to reach the nearest hospital.

"What if you broke it? What if you never use your hand again!? God Finn! This is why i dont let you skateboard without a helmet and gloves" The boy's mother lectured.

Finn rolled his eyes, " I'm seventeen years old, i'll look stupid." He protested, fixing his beanie.  His hair had been more of a mess than usual, so he decided to wear a hat in order to hide it. His mother scoffed, still very annoyed.  He decided to drop the subject

Once they arrived at the hospital, his mother rushed to the front desk. Finn strolled in casually, looking around the place.

Depressing, He thought. The hospital walls were a murky grey, and everyone seemed so lonely and sad.  Even the plants at the front desk seemed to be dying. He never liked being in hospitals, they were cold and he hated seeing people suffer.

"Its urgent, my son's hand could seriously be hurt." His mother told the lady.

The lady turned over to Finn, unimpressed, he seemed to be in no pain.  Nonetheless, she gave him a red slip that read "Urgent Care" and directed him and his mom to the fourth floor.

"Finn honey, i left my bag in the car. Why dont you go up and i'll meet you there in a few?" his mom suggested.

Finn nodded and made his way to the elevator. Even the elevator music was depressing.

Sheesh, you'd think they'd make this place more cheerful considering how many patients they have. They might be going through hell and here they are, staring at dead plants and grey walls. No hope in sight. He thought to himself

The doors swung open and Finn made his way to the waiting room. There were only two people there. One was an older man, he had tubes going up his nose and needdles stuck in his arms. The tubes seemed to be connected to machine next to him. The man held it tightly. He looked very pale and very out of it.

Poor Guy Finn thought, he turned his head to the next person. A girl.  A very beautiful girl, if he was totally honest with himself.

Finn's eyes instantly went to her as he walked further into the room. The girl had short brown hair and large eyes that seemed to be sparkling. She wore a patient dress. A wide smile plastered on her face, her nose stuck in a book. Her smile seemed like it gave some color and life to the depressing room. It almost seemed like she was glowing.

Finn sat down two seats away from her. He began to fiddle with his hands due to uncomfortable  silence.

"How are you David?" a cheery voice said.

Finn looked up, that girl with short brown hair had put her book down and was talking to the man with the tubes in his nose. Her voice was soft, and Finn noticed she had a british accent.

"Feeling any better? Do you want me to read to you again? I don't mind, i swear i don't. This chapter is really good, i just finished reading it, and i swear it will make your day better." The girl rambled, the man who Finn figured was called David, finally looked up.

David gave a small smirk, "As much as i enjoy when you read to me, Millie. i'll have to pass this one time. My head hurts today so i'll just relax here till Nurse Dyer says its time for my usual blood tests."  He responded

Millie nodded, understanding he was probably tired.

Two young nurses suddenly walked in.

"Mornin' Natalia, Mornin' Shannon." Millie greeted

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