Chapter Seven: Detention

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"This is all your fault!" exclaimed Gaten

"Is not! Maybe if Noah had done his job as look out instead of drooling over Sadie, we wouldnt be in detention on a Saturday!" Finn shot back.

Sadie blushed a bright shade of red.

"Well maybe if Millie hadn't wanted to let out the frogs than we wouldnt be in this mess to begin with!" Noah spoke from across the room.

" I thought i was doing the right thing!" Millie muttered

They sat there wondering how things had gone so wrong so quickly.

- Earlier that day -

"I'm finally out of the hospital, free to go anywhere, and you guys take me to your highschool!?" Millie asked as they entered Bayside Highschool, her hand tightly holding Finn's as they walked the halls together so they wouldn't get seperated.

The highschool was huge, glass windows and walls all around. Millie thought that was dumb considering the place was full of angsty teenagers. The main color theme seemed to be navy blue and silver. The tall platimun lockers spread across all the walls and there was a herd of teens roaming and rushing around.

"You said you wanted the normal girl experience!" Sadie shot back, laughing along her friends as they stared at Millie, who seemed to be dazzled by the school.

It was true though, Millie had asked them to give her the experiences she missed out on. She had missed out on so many things, like learning how to ride a bike, having crushes, sleepovers, even just attending a school.

"I'm not a student here, what if they notice?" Millie asked, abit worried

"Mills, with teachers like ours, who dont even notice half of their students are absent, i think its safe to say you'll be fine." Gaten assured

"And if they do, we'll tell them your some foreign student who got transfered." Noah added

"From Switzerland!" Caleb added

Millie nervously laughed, Finn taking into notice that shr was still very nervous. He held her chin up, eyes glued to eachother.

"Don't worry Mills, i'll be by your side the whole day. Highschool isnt that bad." Finn comforted, stroking the palms of her hands.

"Easy for you to say," Gaten suddenly said

Finn turned to look at him, "What does that mean?" He questionably asked

"Everyone loves you!" Noah responded, putting his arm around Sadie.

"No they don't." Finn defended

"Finn!" three girls suddenly yelled, rushing up to Finn and squealing.

Millie and the rest watched in amusement.

"We haven't seen you in so long!" the first one excitedly commented

"Too long!" The second one agreed

The third one was getting really close, trying to sniff his hair.

Finn backed away slowly as the girls began to chat away. Turning to his friends who all had smirks on their faces.

"You were saying...." Sadie teased, as the girls winked at Finn

"Oh, so you're a lady's man?..." Millie asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I am your man, and you are a lady. So, yes i am a lady's man." Finn said, pulling Millie into a hug.

"Nice save Finnie, LETS GO TO CLASS." Millie ordered, grabbing his hand once again and signaling for her friends to follow.

"Millie, homeroom is that way." Noah said, pointing to the opposite direction she was going in.

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