Chapter Three: Stars

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Her eyes suddenly fluttered open, Millie looked around frantically before realizing she was still in her hospital room. Only now she was on the bed, and there was a needle in her arm connected to a machine that put some liquids in her body. Her head hurt like hell, it seemed to be pounding. The last thing she could remember was passing out on the floor.

"Nice to see your awake," A voice said. She turned to see Nurse Purser sitting on a chair by the vitals machine.

"How long was i out this time?" Millie asked, scared of the response.

"Two days, you lost alot of blood." Shannon responded, looking through Millie's files.

"I'm so sick of it, Shannon." Millie admited as Shannon handed her some pills.

"I know Mills. I know." Shannon comforted, handing Millie some water to drink.

"My legs...can know." Millie questioned, she could feel her legs again.

"They should be better now. Why don't you try getting up? That way we can see if you're able to walk again." Shannon suggested

To anyone else, this would have been nothing more than a mere order, but to Millie it was way more than that. Here and now she would find out of she could ever walk again.
Millie pulled her covers to the other side of the bed and sat up. Her heart was going a mile a minute. She carefully placed her legs on the cold floor, and stood up. She walked slow at first, going one step at a time. But eventually she started walking at a normal pace. Millie let out a sigh of relief

"That's great! I have good news for you, Mills. Doctor Keery told me that you should be able to go home for the weekend. He says you are probably getting sicker by staying in this room all day. It's been a month. Just take it easy and don't go running  marathon's." Shannon informed her, getting up from her seat.

"I can go home?" Millie asked again, trying to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"For the weekend, yes. You can." Shannon assured her, smiling and leaving the room.

Millie couldn't help but squeal at the news. She rushed to her phone, three missed phone calls, twenty new messages. Her eyebrows furrowed, since when did someone care enough to try to contact her?

Somewhere deep in herself, Millie hoped it was her mom and dad. Saying they'd be back, or even just asking her is she was ok.

She unlocked her phone only to realize it was Finn. She had handed him her phone number during his last visit.

She checked her voicemail.

Hey, its Finn. Just wanted to know if this was your phone number

She smiled at the sound of his voice and pressed the next voicemail.

Hey Mills, please pick up when you can

Again from Finn, who sounded abit more nervous now.

I really hope this is your number Mills, because if i've been spamming some random person, i'm really sorry. Text me, or call me when you can.

Millie laughed as she dialed his number right away.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice answered

"Hey, It's Millie." Millie responded

"Oh! Hey mills! Are you ok? Why haven't you been answering? I was beginning to think you gave me a fake number." He asked, sounding concerned

"Ah, i lost my phone. Turned out it was in the cafeteria the whole time. I'm so sorry!" She lied, "But i was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

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